Wednesday 26 October 2011

The thermal images that prove 90% of tents in St Paul's protest camp are left empty overnight

By TOM KELLY and DAMIEN GAYLE Lone protest: Just three tents are occupied, as shown by the yellow and red from the thermal imaging camera. Behind, similar colours highlight warmer shops and their windows. Empty tents are in purpleThese are the damning images that prove the anti-capitalist protest that has closed St Paul's Cathedral is all but deserted at night.Footage from a thermal imaging camera taken late at night reveals just a fraction of the makeshift camp was occupied.An independent thermal imaging company, commissioned by the Daily Mail, captured these pictures after similar footage from a police helicopter found only one in ten tents were occupied after dark. Returning to life: Same view of the camp looking busier in daylight yesterday Cooling emotions: The thermal imaging pictures show that the protesters' fervour seems to fade a little at sundown Abandoned: The shack-like building behind empty purple tents is a marquee. An occupied tent is in red and yellow Deserted: Bodies, in white, can be seen in the camp. The green object in the foreground is a binIn these shots, taken late on Monday night, the presence of body heat from humans is represented by yellow and red inside the tents.The tents that are coloured purple indicate they are colder and thus empty. The buildings behind are also yellow and red because of the higher temperatures inside.The images suggest the vast majority of the demonstrators who gather around the cathedral to denounce capitalism during the day go home or to a hotel to stay warm at night.But despite being an almost entirely part time protest, the activists last week forced St Paul's to shut for the first time since the Blitz, and the cathedral appears unlikely to reopen for months. Chilly: The images were taken at 11pm on Monday night, when most activists could be expected to have been curled up in their tents keeping warm Heat seeking: A man can be seen next to his occupied tent, which is glowing white, red and green from warmth Protest or charade? Seen from another angle, nearly all of the tents appear to be unoccupied. There have been calls to clear the protest camp while it lies emptyYesterday there were calls for the police to clear the camp at night when it is virtually empty. The Corporation of London has been talking with lawyers about launching court action, but so far no formal proceedings have begun.Councillor Alex Deane said: 'It is frankly farcical that most of these tents are unoccupied. It should be easier to evict part-time squatters.'They have to go. Surely even the protesters would agree that money spent on a lengthy court battle to clear the area would be far better spent on schools, hospitals, youth groups and housing.'Mark Field, Tory MP for Cities of London and Westminster, said: 'It appears it's a daytime protest that dies off at night – so that would be the time for police to go in and remove them.' Not just a game: Protesters make a statement with a piece of installation artwork based on the board game Monopoly This image was taken at about 1am this morning, showing considerably more activity than when the thermal images were taken. The bright light is from the floodlit shops of Paternoster Square Part timers? A couple look at notices put up on the side of a marquee. Right, protesters sit chatting in the night air outside their tents at about 1am this morning Security: A dog stands guard at the entrance to a tent near the cathedral steps at the front of the occupation camp 'Go for it lads. Any poor soul out there must be absolutely frozen'source: dailymail Posted By Ymmhb Blog

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