Saturday, 26 November 2011


Ponsel Android hilang? Yuk langsung dilacak aja!

Punya ponsel canggih semacam Android, pasti akan sedih kan kalo kehilangan? Rasanya pengen melacak siapa sih yang mencuri Android gue!

Nah yang jadi masalah biasanya kita sering lupa menginstal aplikasi pihak ketiga yang bertujuan 'mengamankan' ponsel. Nah ini ada tips sekaligus the last way untuk melacak ponsel Android yang hilang.

Segera lakukan 6 langkah ini sesaat setelah ponsel Android kamu hilang:
  1. Login ke market dan masukkan ID Google yang digunakan di ponsel yang dicuri.
  2. Cari aplikasi besutan Lookout Labs yang bernama Plan B dan instal.
  3. Pilih device. Pilih sesuai ponsel kamu yang dicuri dan klik instal.
  4. Cek pesan email yang dikirimkan Plan B ke Gmail. Kalau email belum masuk, isi locate ke nomor ponsel Android yang hilang.
  5. Jika selang beberapa menit lokasi tak berubah, berarti ada kemungkinan ponsel berada di lokasi tersebut.
  6. Kalau sudah menerima email, klik link yang diberikan. Nah, disini kamu bisa langsung melacak via Google Maps. Pilih Get Directions untuk langsung melacak keberadaan ponsel yang raib tersebut.
Meski begitu, cara ini tak berhasil bila si pencuri sudah melakukan FR pada ponsel Android kamu. Karena itu lebih baik langsung lacak keberadaan ponsel sesaat setelah hilang.

Yang lebih amannya, instal aplikasi pihak ketiga yang berfungsi mengamankan ponsel atau langsung menghapus data yang ada seketika via remote jarak jauh.


Siapa yang tak kenal lagu ini lirik hymne guru berjudul "Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa"? Masih terngiang betapa di era 1980-an, lagu ini sangat sering dinyanyikan di sekolah-sekolah. Sebab setiap upacara bendera pada hari Senin, lagu ini selalu dinyanyikan.

Istilah "pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa" bahkan kemudian menjadi ikon yang disematkan kepada para guru. Siapa sangka bila "sang pahlawan" yang tanpa tanda jasa itu sejatinya dialami si pencipta lagu tersebut. Ya, Sartono, pencipta lagu yang juga guru itu di masa senjanya hidup dalam kesederhanaan. Laki- laki asal Madiun yang genap berusia 72 tahun, 29 Mei ini, tinggal rumah sederhana di Jalan Halmahera 98, Madiun. Sejak ia mengajar musik di SMP Purna Karya Bhakti Madiun pada 1978, hingga "pensiun" pada 2002 lalu, Sartono tetap menyandang guru honorer. Ia tak punya gaji pensiunan, karena statusnya bukan guru Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS).

Kawan-kawan sesama guru sempat membantu mengajukan dia menjadi PNS. "Katanya sih sering diajukan nama saya, tetapi sampai saya pensiun dari tugas sebagai guru, PNS untuk saya kok tidak datang juga," kata Sartono.

Sartono memang minder dengan latar belakang pendidikannya yang tak tamat SMA. Ia mengajar di SMP Purna Karya Bhakti, yang belakangan lebih dikenal sebagai SMP Kristen Santo Bernadus, berbekal bakatnya di bidang musik. Sartono yang beragama Islam itu melamar di Santo Bernadus berbekal sertifikat pengalaman kerja di Lokananta, perusahan pembuat piringan hitam di Solo, Jawa Tengah.

Hidup serba dalam kesempitan, tak membuat Sartono meratapi nasib. Ia merasa terhibur, dengan kebersamaan dengan Damiyati, BA, 59 tahun, isterinya yang guru PNS. Damiyati dinikahi Sartono pada 1971. Dari pernikahan mereka belum jua dikaruniai anak. Sehingga mereka mengasuh dua orang keponakan. Damiyati yang juga guru, juga seniman biasa manggung bersama Ketoprak Siswo Budoyo Tulungagung, di masa mudanya.

Kehidupan sehari-harinya kini hanya dari pensiun istrinya yang tak lebih dari dari Rp 1 juta. Sartono sendiri kala masih aktif mengajar, gajinya pada akhir pengabdiannya sebagai guru seni musik cuma Rp 60.000 per bulan. "Gaji saya sangat rendah, bahkan mungkin paling rendah diantara guru-guru lainnya," katanya mengenang masa lalunya.

Kala masih kuat, Sartono menambal periuk dapurnya dengan mengajar musik. Sepekan sekali, Sartono yang pandai bermain piano, gitar, dan saksofon, ini rutin mengajar kulintang di Perhutani Nganjuk, sekira 60 kilometer dari rumahnya di Madiun.

Jalan menjadi guru berawal dari kegemarannya bermain musik. Putra sulung dari lima bersaudara ini sebenarnya lahir dari keluarga cukup berada. Maklum, ayahnya R. Soepadi adalah Camat Lorog, Pacitan. Sartono kecil memang suka bermain musik secara otodidak. Namun, hidup nyaman tak bisa dirasakan berlama-lama. Ketika ia berusia 7 tahun, Jepang menduduki Indonesia. Ayahnya pun tak lagi menjabat camat.

Sartono, bersama empat adiknya, Sartini, Sartinah, Sarwono dan Sarsanti, tak bisa mengenyam pendidikan tinggi. Ia sendiri putus sekolah kala kelas dua di SMA Negeri 3 Surabaya. Ia kemudian bekerja di Lokananta, perusahaan rekaman dan produsen piringan hitam. "Saya Lupa tahun berapa itu, tapi saya hanya bekerja selama dua tahun saja," kata Sartono, yang mengaku sudah susah mengingat tahun.

Selepas kerja di Lokananta, Sartono bergabung dengan grup musik keroncong milik TNI AU di Madiun. Ia bersama kelompok musik tentara itu pernah penghibur tentara di Irian. "Di sana selama tiga bulan," jelasnya.

Ihwal penciptaan lagu himne guru itu boleh dibilang tak sengaja. Ketika itu, tahun 1980, Sartono tengah naik bis menuju Perhutani Nganjuk, untuk mengajar kulintang. Di perjalanan, secara tidak sengaja ia membaca di secarik koran, mengenai sayembara penciptaan lagu himne guru yang diselenggarakan Depdiknas. Hadiahnya besar untuk saat itu, Rp 750.000. Waktu yang tersisa dua pekan, untuk merampungkan lagu.

Sartono yang tak bisa membaca not balok ini, mulai tenggelam dalam kerja keras mengarang lagu saban harinya. "Saya mencermati betul seperti apa sebenarnya guru itu," jelas Sartono sambil memulai membuat lagu itu.

Waktu sudah mepet, lagu belum juga jadi. Sartono pusing bukan kepalang. Syairnya masih amburadul. Pada hari pertama Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Sartono tidak keluar rumah. Ia bahkan tak turut beranjang sana mengantar istri dan dua keponakannya silaturrahmi ke orangtua dan sanak famili. "Saat itu kesempatan bagi saya untuk membuat lagu dan syair secara serius," katanya. "Waktu itu saya merasa begitu lancar membuat lagu dan menulis syairnya."

Awalnya, lirik yang ia ciptakan kepanjangan. Padahal, durasi lagu tak lebih dari empat menit. Sartono pun berkali- kali mengkajinya untuk mengetahui mana yang harus dibuang. "Karena panjang sekali, maka saya harus membuang beberapa syairnya," jelas Sartono. Hingga muncullah istilah "pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa."

"Guru itu juga pahlawan. Tetapi selepas mereka berbakti tak satu pun ada tanda jasa menempel pada mereka, seperti yang ada pada polisi atau tentara," katanya.

Persoalan tak begitu saja beres. Lagu ada, Sartono kebingungan mengirimnya ke panitia lomba di Jakarta. Sebab ia tidak punya uang untuk biaya pengiriman via pos. "Akhirnya saya menjual jas untuk biaya pos," katanya. Sartono menang. "Hadiahnya berupa cek. Sesampainya di Madiun saya tukarkan dengan sepeda motor di salah satu dealer," kata Sartono.

Lagunya melambung, Sartono tidak. Sang pencipta tetap saja menggeluti dunia mengajar sebagai guru honorer hingga "pensiun." Kalaulah ada penghargaan selain hadiah mencipta lagu, "cuma" beberapa lembar piagam ucapan terimakasih. Nampak piagam berpigura dari Gubernur Jawa Timur Imam Utomo yang diberikan pada 2005. Pak Gubernur juga memberikan bantuan Rp 600.000, plus sebuah keyboard.

Piagam lainnya diberikan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Yahya Muhaimin pada 2000. Kemudian piagam dari Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Bambang Soedibyo pada 2005, plus bantuan uang. "Isinya enam ratus ribu rupiah," kata Sartono.

Tahun 2006 lalu, giliran Walikota Madiun yang dalam sepanjang sejarah baru kali ini memberikan perhatian kepadanya. "Pak Walikota menghadiahi saya sepeda motor Garuda," kata Sartono seraya menunjuk sepeda motor pemberian Walikota Madiun.

Meski minim perhatian, Sartono tetaplah bangga, lagunya menjadi himne para guru. Pekerjaan yang dilakoninya selama 24 tahun. Pengabdian yang tak pendek bagi seorang pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa.



Foto Anak Punk Yang Soleh - Sekitar 15 anggota Punk Muslim melakukan aksi damai di Bundaran HI, Jakarta Pusat. Mereka menyambut bulan Ramadan dengan mengajak orang untuk salat dan berpuasa.

Komunitas Punk Muslim malah semangat mengajak orang untuk salat dan berpuasa.

Komunitas yang bermarkas di Pulo Gadung ini pun menjauhi narkoba dan minuman keras.

Mereka membawa berbagai macam poster, salah satunya bertuliskan "Balita Ga Wajib Puasa"

Mereka mengecat wajahnya dengan cat hitam ini pun mengajak orang yang lalu lalang untuk salat dan puasa.


Biodata Cherry Belle - Siapakah Cherry Belle? Kapan Cherry Belle berdiri? Dan berapa album Cherry Belle? Semua akan dibahas secara mendetail disini.

7 Icons sebagai salah satu Girl Band Indonesia yang terbukti sukses menapak karir dikancah blantika musik Indonesia, kini telah memiliki pesaing baru. Sebab sekelompok cewek-cewek cakep yang menamakan diri sebagai Cherry Belle ini, kini mulai menampakkan tajinya sebagai salah satu kelompok Girlband yang berkelas. Terbukti meski belum banyak mendapatkan sorotan oleh media massa, termasuk media televisi, tapi di dunia maya Cherry Belle ternyata telah banyak penggemarnya.

Dari fans page FB Cherry Belle terlihat ketika tulisan ini dibuat, sudah ada sekitar 10 pengikut yang turut mendukung GirlBand baru ini. Bukan cuma sekedar memiliki fans page facebook. Namun Cherry Belle juga langsung mengebrak dunia maya dengan menghadirkan website resmi mereka yang beralamat di

Bagi kamu yang penasaran ingin mengenal lebih dekat para personel Cherry Belle, maka berikut saya ingin berbagi sedikit mengenai Biodata mereka. Berikut adalah Biodata Cherry Belle selengkapnya:

Biodata Cherly - ChiBi
Nama Lengkap : Cherly Yuliana Aggraini
Nama Panggilan : Cherly
TTL : Pekanbaru, 21 Juli 1991
Tinggi : 160cm
Berat : 44kg
Hobby : Singing and dancing
Makanan Fav : Sushi
Angka Fav : Angka Ganjil
Warna Fav : Mejikuhibiniu (semua aja deh)
Tokoh Idola : Doraemon, Chibi Maruko-chan, Mario Bross, Angry Birds, Marsupilami
Spending time : Chitchat dengan orang terdekat, hunting restoran baru, twitter-an, karaoke, guling-gulingan di kasur

Biodata Angel - ChiBi
Nama Lengkap : Margareth Angelina
Nama Panggilan : Angel
TTL : Jakarta, 5 Oktober 1990
Tinggi : 158cm
Berat : 42kg
Hobby : Dancing
Makanan Fav : Nasi goreng special
Angka Fav : 5
Warna Fav : Pink
Tokoh Idola : Doraemon
Spending time : Nonton film

Biodata Anisa - ChiBi
Nama Lengkap : Anisa Rahma
Nama Panggilan : Anisa
TTL : Bandung, 12 Oktober 1990
Tinggi : 164cm
Berat : 46kg
Hobby : Nyanyi, dance, gambar, melihara kucing, traveling
Makanan Fav : Onde-onde, kepiting, cheese cake, bolu ketan hitam, kebab
Angka Fav : 12, 7, 4
Warna Fav : Merah, pink, ungu
Tokoh Idola : Shinchan, Garfield, Park Bom (2NE1), Yoona (snsd), Taeyang (BIGBANG)
Spending time : Main sama kucing, browsing, nonton dvd, jalan-jalan, makan, nyalon

Biodata Christy - ChiBi
Nama Lengkap : Christy Saura Noela Unu
Nama Panggilan : Christy
TTL : Jakarta, 26 Desember 1990
Tinggi : 156cm
Berat : 40kg
Hobby : Nyanyi dimana aja, kapan aja
Makanan Fav : Bapaooooo
Angka Fav : 8
Warna Fav : Ungu
Tokoh Idola : Anne Hateway, Princess-princess yang ada di Disney, Barbie
Spending time : Iseng masak, nyoba-nyoba make up trus nyanyi-nyanyi di depan kaca (konser di kamar)

Biodata Devi - ChiBi
Nama Lengkap : Devi Noviaty
Nama Panggilan : Devi
TTL : Bandar Lampung, 25 November 1987
Tinggi : 160cm
Berat : 42kg
Hobby : Nyanyi, travelling
Makanan Fav : Chinese Food, Sea Food
Angka Fav : 8, 9, 25
Warna Fav : Biru, hijau
Tokoh Idola : Mother Theresa
Spending time : Jalan-jalan wisata kuliner, nonton film, hangout bareng teman-teman

Biodata Felly - ChiBi
Nama Lengkap : Yefani Filliang
Nama Panggilan : Felly
TTL : Jakarta, 21 Februari 1991
Tinggi : 156cm
Berat : 40kg (yess, udah turun lagi )
Hobby : Dance, nyanyi, jalan-jalan, foto-foto
Makanan Fav : Indomie, Fetuccini, Ayam rica-rica
Angka Fav : 8
Warna Fav : Merah
Tokoh Idola : Spongebob
Spending time : Becanda, jalan-jalan, isengin orang, tidur

Biodata Gigi - ChiBi
Nama Lengkap : Brigitta Cynthia
Nama Panggilan : Gigi
TTL : Jakarta, 9 Juli 1993
Tinggi : 158cm
Berat : 42kg
Hobby : Dancing
Makanan Fav : Sushi
Angka Fav : 9
Warna Fav : Semua warna kecuali warna gelap
Tokoh Idola : Spongebob
Spending time : Latihan dance

Biodata Auryn - ChiBi
Nama Lengkap : Jessyca Stefani Auryn
Nama Panggilan : Auryn
TTL : Jakarta, 30 Januari 1993
Tinggi : 165cm
Hobby : Baca komik, maen game
Makanan Fav : French Fries, Fetuccini, Steak, Yoghurt, Papaya
Angka Fav : 9,6
Warna Fav : Black, white
Tokoh Idola : Gaara
Spending time : nge-gym, maen game, baca komik

Biodata Wenda - ChiBi
Nama Lengkap : Sarwendah Tan
Nama Panggilan : Wenda
TTL : Jakarta, 29 Agustus 1989
Tinggi : 165cm
Berat : 41kg
Hobby : Fashion, nail art, akting, masak, dance, nyanyi
Makanan Fav : Makanan pedas & manis
Angka Fav : 27
Warna Fav : Merah
Tokoh Idola : Hello Kitty
Spending time : Shopping, memanjakan & merawat diri, nail art, dengerin lagu


Ekspresi seseorang memang bermacam-macam. Ada ekspresi, senang, bahagia, menangis, nikmat, dan mungkin juga ekspresi ketakutan. Kalau sampai menjadi bahan untuk referensi foto koleksi akan sangat terlihat menarik.

Pada kesempatan ini, foto ekspresi ketakutan adalah saat yang tepat untuk di unggah pada posting kali ini. Bagaimana menurut Anda ?......pastinya setuju dong ???


Kenapa Orang Perlu Dipijat ?

Bagi kebanyakan orang Indonesia, pijat sudah jadi kebutuhan saat badan terasa lelah atau sakit. Tapi memang ada alasan kenapa orang perlu dipijat. Jadi pijat bukan hanya sekedar hobi atau kebiasaan saja.

Mendapatkan pemijatan yang tepat dan dilakukan oleh orang yang memang benar-benar tahu cara memijat akan memberikan banyak manfaat, terutama untuk relaksasi santai dan menghilangkan stres.

Pijat ada yang dilakukan dengan cara tradisional, moderen atau campuran keduanya, serta ada juga yang mengembangkan pemijatan untuk terapeutik.

Seperti dikutip dari Healthmad dan Buzzle, ada beberapa hal yang membuat setiap orang perlu dipijat, yaitu:

1. Pijat secara signifikan dapat mempengaruhi sistem saraf perifer, meningkatkan rangsangan dan konduksi impuls saraf, melemahkan dan menghentikan rasa sakit dengan mempercepat proses regenerasi (pemulihan) saraf yang cedera, serta mencegah gangguan pembuluh darah dalam hal komunikasi dan suplai.

2. Pijat mempengaruhi jaringan tubuh untuk memperluas kapiler dan kapiler cadangan. Hal ini akan meningkatkan aliran darah ke jaringan dan organ, meingkatkan proses reduksi oksidasi, memfasilitasi jantung dan berkontribusi terhadap redistribusi darah dalam tubuh. Serta memberikan sedikit peningkatan jumlah trombosit, leukosit, eritrosit dan hemoglobin tanpa mengganggu keseimbangan asam-basa.

3. Pijat mempercepat aliran getah bening yang meningkatkan gizi jaringan, mengurangi stasis pada sendi serta organ dan jaringan lain.

4. Pijat memiliki efek fisiologis yang beragam terhadap kulit dan fungsinya, seperti membersihkan saluran keringat, kelenjar sebaceous, meningkatkan fungsi sekresi, ekskresi dan pernapasan kulit. Setelah dipijat kulit akan menjadi lebih kenyal seta meningkatkan pengaruhnya terhadap suhu (sensitifitasnya menurun terhadap suhu dingin).

5. Pijat bisa membuat otot menjadi fleksibel, meningkatkan fungsi kontraktil yang mempercepat keluarnya metabolit (hasil metabolisme). Hal ini tergantung dari seberapa kuat dan cepat pijat yang dilakukan.

6. Pijat membantu mengeluarkan cairan yang terdapat di dalam otot-otot dan memulihkan keadaan normalnya.

7. Piijat membantu memperbaiki sirkulasi dan menurunkan tekanan darah. Karena sirkulasinya membaik, maka pada gilirannya organ-organ yang ada di dalam tubuh akan berfungsi dan bekerja lebih baik.

8. Pijat bisa membantu mengatasi nyeri otot superfisial dan memperbaiki postur tubuh yang buruk, hal ini karena pijat dapat bekerja memanipulasi otot dan sendi.

Seseorang tidak perlu terlalu banyak mendapatkan pijat. Efek terapi dan santai yang didapatkan dari pijat sangat baik untuk tubuh, karenanya setiap orang perlu mendapatkan pemijatan yang baik.

Jonghyun (SHINee) - So Goodbye

* So Goodbye don't cry and smile
I will let go of all the cold-hearted times
So Goodbye - me, who was lonely in the darkness
I need you - I need your love again

Just like I did every day,
I erase the painful scars and sad memories
The moment I first saw you,
It felt like everything stopped and I only saw you

** I am crumbling under the rough pain from love
But I have no regrets
When I close my two eyes, I feel your breath
Now I can smile

* repeat

** repeat

* repeat (x2)

I need you
I need your love again

PHANTOM (팬텀) - 얼굴 뚫어지겠다 (Hole In Your Face)

* Are you listening? I miss you and me so much but
Why do you keep getting farther away? I'm zoning out again
Your face must be getting pierced, it must be getting a hole
Because I look at your picture all day baby girl
Your face must be getting pierced, it must be getting a hole
I look at you and in the end, it's still you baby girl

I only stare at your picture everyday
To the point where a hole might form
I still hate you - can't you give the slightest interest
To my changed life? Is this me being selfish too?
Look at me please, my heart is crumbling
No my heart is piercing

* repeat

It's gonna long time baby -
Autumn, winter and spring again since I've only looked at you
I don't know what to do
Please pick up the phone - don't tell me to disappear

It's not easy to be clingy -
My heart is festering boils, it's bleeding
Please don't do this - it's not time to break up yet
I thought we'd realize everything if we were in love

* repeat

Glee Cast - We Are Young

give me a second i
i need to get my story straight
my friends are in the bathroom
getting higher than the empire state
my lover she's waiting for me
just across the bar
my seats been taken by some sunglasses
asking 'bout a scar
and i know i gave it to you months ago
i know you're trying to forget
but between the drinks and subtle things
the holes in my apologies
you know i'm trying hard to take it back
so if by the time the bar closes
and you feel like falling down
i'll carry you home

we are young
so let's set the world on fire
we can burn brighter
than the sun

we are young
so let's set the world on fire
we can burn brighter
than the sun

and i know that i'm not
all that you got
i guess that i
i just thought maybe we could find a ways to fall apart
but our friends in back
so let's raise a toast
cause i found someone to carry me home

we are young
so let's the set the world on fire
we can burn brighter
than the sun

we are young
so let's set the world on fire
we can burn brighter
than the sun

carry me home tonight
just carry me home tonight
carry me home tonight
just carry me home tonight

the moon is on my side
i have no reason to run
so will someone come and carry me home tonight
the angels never arrived
but i can hear the choir
so will someone come and carry me home

we are young
so let's set the world on fire
we can burn brighter
than the sun

we are young
so let's set the world on fire
we can burn brighter
than the sun

so if by the time the bar closes
and you feel like falling down
i'll carry you home tonight

Glee Cast - I'm The Only One

please baby can't you see
my mind's a burnin' hell
i got razors a rippin' and tearin' and strippin'
my heart apart as well
tonight you told me
that you ache for something new
and some other woman is lookin' like something
that might be good for you

go on and hold her till the screaming is gone
go on believe her when she tells you
nothing's wrong
but i'm the only one
who'll walk across the fire for you
i'm the only one
who'll drown in my desire for you
it's only fear that makes you run
the demons that you're hiding from
when all your promises are gone
i'm the only one

please baby can't you see
i'm trying to explain
i've been here before and i'm locking the door
and i'm not going back again
her eyes and arms and skin won't make
it go away
you'll wake up tomorrow and wrestle the sorrow
that holds you down today

go on and hold her till the screaming is gone
go on believe her when she tells you
nothing's wrong
but i'm the only one
who'll walk across the fire for you
i'm the only one
who'll drown in my desire for you
it's only fear that makes you run
the demons that you're hiding from
when all your promises are gone
i'm the only one

Glee Cast - Control

this is a story about control, my control
control of what i say, control of what i do
and this time i'm gonna do it my way
i hope you enjoy this as much as i do
are we ready? i am? cause it's all about control
and i've got lots of it
when i was 17, i did what people told me
did what my father said, and let my mother mold me
but that was long ago

i'm in control, never gonna stop
control, to get what i want
control, i got to have a lot
control, now i'm all grown up

first time i fell in love
i didn't know what hit me
so young and so naive
i thought it would be easy
but now i know i've got to take…

that's right, i'm on my own,
i'll call my own shots, thank you

got my own mind
i wanna make my own decisions
when it has to do with my life, my life
i wanna be the one in control

so let me take you by the hand
and lead you on this dance
cause what i've got is because i took a chance
i don't wanna rule the world
just wanna run my life
so make your life a little easier
when you get the chance just take…

free at last, out here on my own
now control this
that's right, career moves
i do what's right for me
and me wants to groove
is that ok?

hop to it
i'm in control (and i love it, that's right)
control, now i've got a lot
control, now i'm all grown up
i'm in control, i'm in control

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Beda mantu Bung Karno dan mantu SBY

Gembar-gembor pernikahan putra kedua Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Edy Baskhoro, membuat politisi Bambang Sosatyo membayangkan kontradiksi yang terjadi pada pernikahan Rahmawati Soekarno Putri, anak dari Presiden pertama RI, Soekarno.


Pada tahun 1969 Sukarno -di tengah sakit ginjalnya yang parah- menghadiri pernikahan anaknya Rahmawati Sukarnoputeri dengan Martomo Pariatman Marzuki atau dikenal dengan panggilan Tommy.

Pernikahan itu, cerita Bambang, jauh dari kemewahan, dalam kondisi yang amat prihatin. Pernikahan cukup berlangsung di rumah Ibu Fatmawati di Jalan Sriwijaya, Kebayoran, Jakarta Selatan.

Kemudian, saat Bung Hatta datang ke pernikahan itu dan memberi selamat kepada Rahma, tiba-tiba terbuka pintu ada beberapa tentara. Di antara kerumunan tentara ada Bung Karno yang memakai jas hitam agak kedodoran dengan muka bengkak-bengkak datang ke pernikahan anaknya itu.

Ketika melihat kehadiran Bung Karno di sana, semua mata tertuju ke pintu. Beberapa orang meledak tangisnya termasuk Guntur. Hatta mengusap air mata dan tersedu-sedu melihat Sukarno. Fatmawati langsung berlari ke arah Sukarno dan menciumi suaminya itu. Sukarno berusaha tertawa tapi jelas iasudah amat kepayahan.

"Sementara di luar rumah berita kedatangan Sukarno mulai diketahui banyak orang, dari tukang becak sampai tukang dagangan berlarian ke depan pagar rumah Sriwijaya mereka berteriak-teriak : "Hidup Bung Karno….Hidup Bung Karno" komandan tentara kaget dan memerintahkan agar Sukarno tidak terlalu lama di rumah Sriwijaya, ia harus segera pulang ke Wisma Yaso," cerita Bambang.

Inilah, satu-satunya pernikahan Bung Karno untuk anaknya yang ia hadiri. Sebuah tragedi memilukan dari seorang yang mendirikan bangsa ini. Seorang yang sepanjang hidupnya bekerja untuk Indonesia raya. Seorang yang membebaskan bangsanya dari belenggu penjajahan.


Biaya pernikahan putra Presiden SBY yakni Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono alias Ibas dengan Aliya Rajasa putri Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa disebut-sebut banyak pihak menelan biaya miliaran rupiah.

LSM Bendera misalnya menyebut biaya pernikahan Ibas-Aliyah mencapai Rp 12 miliar. Namun baik pihak Ibas dan Aliya sejauh ini belum menjelaskan berapa biaya yang dikeluarkan dari perhelatan itu.

Setidaknya pihak Presiden memastikan bahwa dana yang dipakai tidak ada sepersenpun dipakai dari kas negara. Dan tentunya sembari menjelaskan sumber dana yang didapatkan.

"Semua ini biaya pribadi kelaurga besar Pak SBY dan Hatta Rajasa," kata Sudi kemarin di kediaman Presiden SBY di Puri Cikeas Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Namun Sudi tidak tahu berapa biaya pernikahan sesungguhnya. Menurut Sudi,jangan ada yang berspekulasi mengenai biaya pernikahan Ibas-Aliya. "Jadi tolong kalau ada yang berspekulasi ada pemberitaan, informasi, tentang hal ini jelas saya tegaskan biaya adalah biaya sendiri pribadi Pak SBY dan Pak Hatta. Nominalnya, tentu namanya pribadi, tapi tentu seperti yang saudara-saudara saksikan ini (pernikahan) sepantasnya," kata Sudi.

"Perlu kita ingat, dalam laporan LHKPN, kekayaan SBY hanya mencapai Rp 7,14 miliar ditambah U$ 44.887, per 25 Mei 2009. Jadi, memang penuh pertanyaan dari mana dana prosesi pernikahan ini, jika benar sampai mencapai puluhan miliar," Ray menegaskan.

Hal lainnya adalah, terkait soal asas penghematan dan pola hidup sederhana yang senantiasa diucapkan SBY.
Lagi-lagi, jika benar adanya dana prosesi ini mencapai puluhan miliar, jelas ajakan untuk hemat dan sederhana hanya untuk rakyat Indonesia, tidak untuk elit, dan tidak juga untuk SBY sendiri.

Ashley Tisdale - I Know You Love Me

th-th-this beat is hypnotic
i wanna ride it like a chauffeur
the sound of the sonics
controlling me just like a robot
i go bionic so d-d-dj put it on
i'm losing logic and cruising deeper in the zone

it's so cinematic charismatic, it got me frozed up
this acrobatic beat is something i need a dose of
i'm systematically moving every single bone
there's no mechanic that can understand what
i'm on

lets crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up
crank it up
put that record on spin
cause i am ready to party
gonna get my girls and get naughty
just crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up

ha ha oh yeah, boom ha ha oh yeah
boom ha ha oh yeah, boom ha ha oh yeah

th-th-this beat is melodic harmonic
got me striking poses
i get up on it electronically
feeling so fresh
it's so erotic my bodys
like a cyclone
i'm like a puppet, can't stop it
dropping like a stone
it's so cinematic charismatic, it got me frozed up
this acrobatic beat is something i need a dose of
i'm systematically moving every single bone
there's no mechanic that can understand what
i'm on

lets crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up
crank it up
put that record on spin
cause i am ready to party
gonna get my girls and get naughty
just crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up

turn it up (louder), turn it up (louder)
turn it up

dj turn it up (louder), turn it up (louder)
turn it up (loud)

dj turn it up (louder), turn it up (louder)
turn it up (louder), turn it up (louder)
turn it up (louder), turn it up

turn it up louder!

lets crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up
crank it up
put that record on spin
cause i am ready to party
gonna get my girls and get naughty
just crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up

i systematically move every bone
so crank it up i wanna get in the zone
i systematically move every bone
so crank it up i wanna get in the zone

Mac Miller - What If

what if i'll never make it?
what if i'm never famous?
what if i'm broke,
and my whole life is been a joke?
what if nothing never happens?
what if i gotta stop rapping?
what if, what if, what if this is it?

what if i never got the chance to tell the world what i gotta say?
when i'll die all i do is just ride away
i tried to talk about my life in every song
so you have a little something to remember when i'm gone.
i tell you like this, i ain't pretending in the…
but i tell you that i'm working and i'm getting very strong
it won't b long 'till you hear me on the radio
but in my head i got ways to go
but i'mma take it slow, this is the way to blow
so any place i go, i know my bank can …
i'm taking notes, i am hip hop
it replaces my soul if i sing to the bottom and make a flow.
i heard the real world's cold, i'mma take your coat
be prepared, and be aware …

what if i'll never make it?
what if i'm never famous?
what if i'm broke,
and my whole life is been a joke?
what if nothing never happens?
what if i gotta stop rapping?
what if, what if, what if this is it?

expectations picking, they wonder what i'm about to do
sport interest, music i can count on you, right?
do i have it all twisted? i went from popular to… in an instant
my friends forgot me cause they probably seen me on…
in an… where i should be out at a party!
it drives me crazy, money is the due
insomnia i could wait.. something i can do to put the work in it…
failure getting jealous, throwing dirt upon my name
burning up my pain, but i'm working through my pain
cause life's hard, 'till you learn it's just a game!
play your cards, use your letters on your scrabble board
if you're small, put your heart into your rapping more
no money? why the fuck you're counting for?
a thousand.. trying to get up my allowances.

what if i'll never make it?
what if i'm never famous?
what if i'm broke,
and my whole life is been a joke?
what if nothing never happens?
what if i gotta stop rapping?
what if, what if, what if this is it?

Ashley Tisdale - And We Never Stop

th-th-this beat is hypnotic
i wanna ride it like a chauffeur
the sound of the sonics
controlling me just like a robot
i go bionic so d-d-dj put it on
i'm losing logic and cruising deeper in the zone

it's so cinematic charismatic, it got me frozed up
this acrobatic beat is something i need a dose of
i'm systematically moving every single bone
there's no mechanic that can understand what
i'm on

lets crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up
crank it up
put that record on spin
cause i am ready to party
gonna get my girls and get naughty
just crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up

ha ha oh yeah, boom ha ha oh yeah
boom ha ha oh yeah, boom ha ha oh yeah

th-th-this beat is melodic harmonic
got me striking poses
i get up on it electronically
feeling so fresh
it's so erotic my bodys
like a cyclone
i'm like a puppet, can't stop it
dropping like a stone
it's so cinematic charismatic, it got me frozed up
this acrobatic beat is something i need a dose of
i'm systematically moving every single bone
there's no mechanic that can understand what
i'm on

lets crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up
crank it up
put that record on spin
cause i am ready to party
gonna get my girls and get naughty
just crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up

turn it up (louder), turn it up (louder)
turn it up

dj turn it up (louder), turn it up (louder)
turn it up (loud)

dj turn it up (louder), turn it up (louder)
turn it up (louder), turn it up (louder)
turn it up (louder), turn it up

turn it up louder!

lets crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up
crank it up
put that record on spin
cause i am ready to party
gonna get my girls and get naughty
just crank it up
crank it up
till the walls cave in
just crank it up

i systematically move every bone
so crank it up i wanna get in the zone
i systematically move every bone
so crank it up i wanna get in the zone

Taio Cruz - World In Our Hands

no words can hurt us
no fire can burn us
no walls can hold us
cause, no one controls us
cause we're strong and we're fast
our time has come at last
just hold on, don't go anywhere

cause we've waited all of our lives
now we're seeing here in our rise
baby no more waiting tonight
we got the world in our hands
yeah, yeah, yeah

oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh
baby no more waiting tonight
we got the world in our hands
yeah, yeah, yeah
these hands can build up
all that we dreamed of
our love will take us
where no one can break us
cause we're strong and we're fast
our time has come at last
just hold on, don't go anywhere

cause we've waited all of our lives
now we're seeing here in our rise
baby no more waiting tonight
we got the world in our hands
yeah, yeah, yeah

oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh
baby no more waiting tonight
we got the world in our hands
yeah, yeah, yeah

i'm not gonna lose you now
i'm not gonna lose you now

oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh
baby no more waiting tonight
we got the world in our hands
yeah, yeah, yeah

oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh
baby no more waiting tonight
we got the world in our hands
yeah, yeah, yeah

J-Hype - Take Care

i know you've been hurt by someone else
i can tell by the way you carry yourself
if you let me, here's what i'll do
i'll take care of you
i've loved and i've lost

i've asked about you and they've told me things
but my mind didn't change, i still the feel the same
what's a life with no fun? please don't be so ashamed
i've had mine, you've had yours, we both know
we know, they don't get you like i will
my only wish is i die real
cause that truth hurts, and those lies heal
and you can't sleep thinking that he lies still
so you cry still, tears all in the pillow case
big girls all get a little taste
pushing me away so i give her space
dealing with a heart that i didn't break
i'll be there for you, i will care for you
i keep thanking you, just don't know
try to run from that, say you're done with that
on your face girl, it just don't show
when you're ready, just say you're ready
when all the baggage just ain't as heavy
and the parties over, just don't forget me
we'll change the pace and we'll just go slow
won't ever have to worry,
you won't ever have to hide
if you've seen all my mistakes
so look me in my eyes


Bryan Adams - Merry Christmas

at this special time of year
i'm so very glad you're here
merry christmas
merry christmas

a field of freshly fallen snow
and we've got nowhere else to go
merry christmas
merry christmas to you

i hear sleigh bells in the distance
and songs sung by a choir
it's snowin' and it's blowin'
so let's stay here by the fire

mistletoe and a festive tree
there's no place that i'd rather be
merry christmas
merry christmas to you

i hear sleigh bells in the distance
and songs sung by a choir
it's freezin' but it's pleasing
to lets lay here for awhile
oh it's snowin' and it's blowin'
so let's stay here by the fire

i'm sending lots of christmas cheer
this season and throughout the year
merry christmas, merry christmas
ya merry christmas, merry christmas
merry merry merry christmas
merry christmas to you

Mavado Feat. Akon - Survivor

oh the city's like a fire, like a fire
show no sympathy, alone
i'll be way up on the mountain, up on the mountain
when they come for me
cause i'm a survivor, survivor, i'm a survivor, oho
cause i'm a survivor, survivor, i'm a survivor, oho

when my … is around me, not …
cause they always … to find me, i am like a flare
mama knew… tell me… they want… who cares
cause night is my provider, every day i get … i live by the sword

oh the city's like a fire, like a fire
show no sympathy, alone
i'll be way up on the mountain, up on the mountain
when they come for me
cause i'm a survivor, survivor, i'm a survivor, oho
cause i'm a survivor, survivor, i'm a survivor, oho

seems there is no sympathy, or no mercy for the weak
won't surrender nor retreat, i'll make you remember me
and for those who want to kill me, know exactly where to find me
down in a concrete jungle, if i don't kill you first, and please don't tell me
a hundred miles and running, now they back down, i'm an outlaw coming
artillery look stunning, m16 … coming

cause i'm a survivor, survivor, i'm a survivor, oho
cause i'm a survivor, survivor, i'm a survivor, oho

i so high up on the mountain, can't find my way back down
watch me flow just like a fountain, …
once you go up … revolution soul
we the best…
are you… kill me, then let me…
cause i'm a top gun, i'm a hero
cause i'm a survivor, survivor, i'm a survivor, oho
cause i'm a survivor, survivor, i'm a survivor, oho.

Daughtry - Spaceship

hood of my car
radios just loud enough so i can hear levon
where you are is anybody's guess but mine
just a song that we grew up on
constellations seem so out of line
wishing we could make it this time

if somebody's out there
show me that you care
give me a sign that comes out of nowhere
like a shooting star
we'll maybe laugh for miles
something inside tells me we can't be too far
cause i can see me on a spaceship leaving
here we'll only find that we're not the only ones
we're not the only ones

call me a fool
day dreaming in the dark, yeah
throwing bottles at the moon
why your thought is nobody's fault but mine
another song that we grew up on
can anybody tell me where i can find
my girl i can't get out of my mind
if somebody's out there
show me that you care
give me a sign that comes out of nowhere
like a shooting star
we'll maybe laugh for miles
something inside tells me we can't be too far
cause i can see me on a spaceship leaving
here we'll only find that we're not the only ones

lookin' for love
lookin' for something more when it's not enough
gotta stay above the clouds
cause without feet both on the ground
we'll never love

yeah, cause i can see me on a spaceship leaving
here we'll only find that we're not the only...

if somebody's out there
show me that you care
give me a sign that comes out of no where
like a shooting star
we'll maybe laugh for miles
something inside tells me we can't be too far
i'll take another fall
the spaceships leaving
come see for yourself if you don't believe me
together we will find that
we're not the only ones
we're not the only ones

The underwater icicle of death: Bizarre 'Brinicle' forms BENEATH the sea and kills everything in its path


The icicle of death: The brinicle can be seen extending towards the seabed. Slowly it grows bigger over time as more water freezes around it

An underwater 'icicle of death' which sinks to the seabed destroying everything it comes into contact with has been caught on camera for the first time.

The sinking brine is so cold that it causes the seawater to freeze around it.

BBC film crews recorded the brinicle for the first time ever as it sunk to the bottom of the sea in Antarctica.

When it hits the surface, a web of ice spreads killing sea urchins and starfish.

The remarkable underwater footage was filmed for Frozen Planet on BBC One using timelapse technology.

The 'icicle of death' grew so rapidly towards the seabed that teams could see it advancing before their eyes. Brine falls to the surface as it is a lot more dense than seawater.

Remarkable broadcast moment: The ice begins to expand outwards. The brine is a lot more dense than seawater so sinks to the bottom. It is also a lot colder - causing the freezing

Touchdown: The brinicle reaches the ocean floor. Starfish can be seen. Often the brinicles break up before they become so large

When the seawater freezes as it comes into contact with the brinicle it is a lot more spongelike than normal ice.

They are usually found in the Antarctic when saline water is introduced to the ocean.

The remarkable footage was filmed underwater in temperatures of -2C by BBC cameramen Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson at Little Razorback Island, near Antarctica's Ross Archipelago.

Mr Miller said the sinking brine grew rapidly before their eyes.

Killer: The ice floods outwards across the ocean surface rapidly, destroying everything in its wake

Destruction: The starfish are frozen by the ice as it expands outwards

'It was a bit of a race against time because no-one really knew how fast they formed,' he told BBC Nature.

'The one we'd seen a week before was getting longer in front of our eyes... the whole thing only took five, six hours.

'I do remember it being a struggle. All the kit is very heavy because it has to sit on the sea bed and not move for long periods of time.'

Although the existence of brinicles has been known since the 1960s, it is the first time it has been caught on camera.

Frozen Planet was screened at 9pm on Wednesday November 23 on BBC One and is available on iPlayer.

Broadcasting feat: Although the existence of brinicles has long been known it is the first time they have ever been caught on camera

Seabed spread: When the seawater freezes as it comes into contact with the brinicle it is a lot more spongelike than normal ice

source: dailymail