Saturday, 19 November 2011

festival kapur yang unik di Sarasota

10 orang yang dihormati google

Sejak tahun 2002, Google International telah memberi penghormatan kepada 26 orang bersejarah dengan mengubah versi logo Google, dan ditampilkan seharian pada homepage Google di seluruh dunia. Berikut daftar 10 orang terkenal yang kelahirannya dirayakan oleh Google.

1. Samuel Morse

(1791 – 1872) Seorang pembuat enkoding listrik yang sangat terkenal karena penemuanya. Ditampilkan di homepage Google pada tanggal 27 April 2009.

2. René Magritte

(1898-1967) Seniman surrealist Belgia, terkenal dengan gambar-gambarnya yang pintar, jenaka dan menghibur. Ditampikan di homepage Google pada tanggal 21 Nopember 2008.

3. Marc Chagall

(1887-1985) Seniman Yahudi moderen Rusia. Ia adalah pelopor seni moderen dan salah satu dari seniman-seniman paling berhasil di abad 20. Ditampikan di homepage Google pada tanggal 7 Juli 2008.

4. Diego Velázquez

(1599-1660) Seniman pelukis dan potret asal Spanyol, banyak dari lukisan terkenalnya diabadikan dari makna budaya dan sejarah, raja-raja serta figur-figur orang Eropa terkemuka sepanjang waktu. Ditampikan di homepage Google pada tanggal 6 Juni 2008.

5. Walter Gropius

(1883-1969) Arsitek Jerman, pendiri dari Bauhaus dan pelopor arsitektur modern. Ditampikan di homepage Google pada tanggal 18 Mei 2008.

6. Alexander Graham Bell

(1847-1922) Ilmuwan dan penemu terkenal, diantaranya menemukan telepon. Ditampikan di homepage Google pada tanggal 3 Maret 2008.

7. Luciano Pavarotti

(1935-2007) Penyanyi opera Italia, bagian dari "The Three Tenors" dan salah satu penyanyi paling terkenal di dunia. Ditampikan di homepage Google pada tanggal 12 Oktober 2007.

8. Yuri Gagarin

(1934-1968) Cosmonaut Soviet yang merupakan manusia pertama di ruang angkasa dan orbit bumi. Ditampikan di homepage Google pada tanggal 12 April 2007.

9. Edvard Munch

(1863-1944) Pelukis symbolist dari Norwegia, yang dikenal dengan seni expressionisticnya. Lukisannya "The Scream" adalah karya yang paling dapat dikenal di dalam semua aliran seni (dan inilah alasan bagi Google menggunakannya sebagai thema logo). Ditampikan di homepage Google pada tanggal 12 Desember 2006.

10. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

(1859-1930) Pengarang Inggris yang terkenal dengan roman-romannya tentang Sherlock Holmes, salah satu dari tokoh-tokoh imaginasi yang paling terkenal sepanjang waktu. Ditampikan di homepage Google pada tanggal 22 Mei 2006.

7 kematian paling menyedihkan dalam anime naruto

Naruto adalah manga dan anime karya Masashi Kishimoto. Manga Naruto bercerita seputar kehidupan tokoh utamanya, Naruto Uzumaki, seorang ninja remaja yang berisik, hiperaktif, dan ambisius dalam petualangannya mewujudkan keinginan untuk mendapatkan gelar Hokage, ninja terkuat di desanya.

Manga Naruto pertama kali diterbitkan di Jepang oleh Shueisha pada tahun 1999 dalam edisi ke 43 majalah Shonen Jump). Di Indonesia, manga ini diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo. Popularitas dan panjang seri Naruto sendiri (terutama di Jepang) menyaingi Dragon Ball karya Akira Toriyama, sedangkan serial anime Naruto, diproduksi oleh Studio Pierrot dan Aniplex, disiarkan secara perdana di Jepang oleh jaringan TV Tokyo dan juga oleh jaringan televisi satelit khusus anime, Animax, pada 3 Oktober 2002 sampai sekarang. Seri pertama terdiri atas 9 musim.

7. Sasori

Sasori terbunuh oleh Puppets Bapa dan Ibu nya yang dkendalikan nenek Chiyo. seperti masa lalunya yang menyedihkan di mana dia hidup tanpa orang tua tercintanya. Sebelum Sasori meninggal, Chiyo mengatakan bahwa Sasori bisa saja menghindari serangan terakhir, tapi ia sengaja membiarkan dirinya untuk dibunuh. Dengan demikian, tampaknya seolah-olah Sasori memilih untuk mati dalam pelukan kasih orang tuanya. Sebuah penghormatan terakhir untuk Sasori.

6. Hiruzen Sarutobi (Hokage ke 3)

Kejadian ini saat Sarutobi melawan Orochimaru untuk menyelamatkan Konoha dari serangan desa Oto dan Suna. Sarutobi dan Orochimaru mengeluarkan kemampuan mereka masing-masing. Ditengah-tengah pertarungan, Orochimaru mengeluarkan jutsu terlarang edo tensei lalu membangkitkan hokage 1 dan 2 untuk melawan Sarutobi murid mereka sendiri. Yang Akhirnya memaksa Sarutobi sendiri mengeluarkan jutsu terlarang yaitu Fuin jutsu Shikifujin dan mengorbankan dirinya untuk mengisap Roh edotensei Hokage 1 dan 2 dan juga untuk membunuh Orochimaru, Tetapi sayang, jutsu itu hanya "mengambil" tangannya, dan tidak sempat membunuh Orochimaru. Hokage ketiga meninggal dalam pertempuran untuk melindungi desa tercintanya. Ia dibunuh oleh mantan murid yang disayanginya bahkan lebih dari anak sendiri. Tapi ia menjalani hidupnya itu tanpa penyesalan. Dia yakin dgn memberikan kepercayaan dalam semangat Api konoha itu untuk generasi berikutnya. Dia yg peduli untuk semua orang didesanya, dia yg mau melindungi mereka, walaupun harus dibayar dengan hidupnya.

5. Obito

Kejadiannya di sebuah Gua, Ia menolong kakashi dan Rin yang hampir ditimpa Batu besar, akibatnya dia tdk sempat menghindar dan malah tertimpa Batu Besar itu dan menghimpit separuh tubuhnya. Di ajal kematiannya dia memberikan Mata Sharingan miliknya sebagai Hadiah untuk kakashi. Dengan dibantu oleh Rin sebagai ninja medis, menggunakan Iryo ninjutsunya dan mentransplantasikan sharingan obito ke mata kiri kakashi yang saat itu telah buta. Rin dan Kakashi Berurai air mata akan hal yang dialami pada obito seakan-akan tidak mau menerima sampai gua itu akhirnya runtuh bersama jasad Obito yang terkubur di dalamnya. “Sejak aku dan kakashi bersama, aku tidak sanggup mengatakan pada Rin, kalau aku mencintainya, kuharap aku bisa menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu bersama semuanya”ucap Obito.

4. Minato Namikaze (Hokage ke 4) dan Kushina Uzumaki

Pada saat minato menghadapi kyubi dengan menggunakan Shiki fuujin dan menyegel sebagian cakra kyubi di shiki fuujin lalu menggunakan segel Trigram 8 untuk menyegel kyubi ketubuh Anaknya (naruto) namun sebelum kyubi tersegel, kyubi brusaha membunuh anaknya dgn cakarnya, tapi kushina maupun Minato datang melindungi anaknya hingga keduanya yang Tertusuk Kuku Kyubi. Sungguh pengorbanan orangtua yang mengharukan.

3. Asuma Sarutobi

Asuma berada pada misi dalam melacak Kakuzu dan Hidan. Namun, mereka tidak tahu bahwa Hidan Hidupnya abadi, ia adalah pengguna jurus Jashin yang tidak bisa dibunuh meskipun kepalanya dipotong.
Sangat menyedihkan bahwa Asuma meninggal dan dan dbunuh hidan, asuma meninggalkan kekasih tercinta Kurenai dan anak mereka yang belum lahir. Diajal kematiannya ia smpat berbicara pada timnya.
"Ino, kamu telah menjdi kuat, dan bisa diandalkan. Choji dan Shikamaru, mereka agak kaku. Aku mengharapkanmu untuk mengurus mereka. Dan jangan biarkan Sakura mengalahkanmu. Dalam ninjutsu, atau percintaan." "Choji, kau orang baik dan peduli pada rekan-rekanmu. Itu sebabnya, kau akan menjadi shinobi yang lebih kuat dari siapaun. Percayalah pada diriimu sendiri! Dan, mungkin kau harus sedikit diet. " "Dan Shikamaru, Kau begitu cerdas dan memiliki rasa besar sebagai seorang shinobi, kau pasti bisa menjadi Hokage. Tapi, kau pasti bilang itu merepotkan. Oh iya ... Ingat pembicaraan kita tentang Raja? Aku akan memberitahumu siapa itu. mendekatlah kemari.. " kata trakhir asuma berbisik, lalu mengisap rokoknya untuk terakhir kalinya.

2. Itachi Uchiha

Ini pertarungan antara adik yang ingin membalas dendam pada kakaknya. Didetik terakhir pertarungan yang banyak menguras cakra. Di depan Itachi yang sedang berjalan, Sasuke hanya dapat berdiri terdiam menatapi jari Itachi mendekati bola matanya. Tanpa diduga, jari Itachi ternyata hanya menyentuh kening Sasuke, seperti yang dilakukannya kepada Sasuke saat mereka kecil, Itachi kemudian terjatuh di hadapan Sasuke. Ternyata hal itu dilakukan untuk memberikan kekuatan baru "Mangekyou Sharingannya" kepada Sasuke. Pertarungan itu dimenangkan Sasuke, Tapi sebenarnya itu telah direncanakan Itachi untuk mati dtangan adiknya. Diketahui setelah kematiannya itachi banyak berkorban demi kedamaian desanya dan untuk adiknya sendiri.


Kematian Jiraiya adalah salah satu dari Tokoh penting, Jiraiya tak tergantikan. Dia adalah guru dari Naruto dan Minato. Merupakan salah satu dari tiga sannin legendaris, seorang teman Hokage ke 5 (Tsunade) dan teman lama Orochimaru. Dia adalah murid dari Hokage ketiga. Dia dibunuh oleh Pain Yang dikendalikan oleh Nagato yang tak Lain adalah Muridnya sendiri . Lengannya terluka parah, tenggorokan hancur, 5 besi pain menancap dpunggunngnya.

Having no legs won't stop me! Girl who battled meningitis makes the school football team


Striker: Ellie became the youngest person in the world to be fitted with some special carbon fibre sports legs

This is brave little Ellie Challis playing football.

Little Ellie touched the hearts of the world when she took her first ever steps on prosthetic legs after tragically losing all her limbs to meningitis in July 2005.

She had defied all the odds to fight for her life in hospital after contracting the killer bug, but she had to have all her limbs amputated eight weeks later.

She has spent the last four years walking on prosthetic limbs - and now amazingly she plays football for her school team.

Fighter: Sitting on father Paul's knee, brave Ellie Challis has defied odds to play for her school football team

Her mother Lisa, 38, said: 'It is fantastic to see Ellie playing football. When she lost her legs to meningitis we never imagined that one day she would be playing football for her school team.

'All the other children are able bodied, but she keeps up with all the other team members.

'To think that she has prosthetic legs yet plays football for her school is just remarkable. Its something that we never thought we would ever see.

'She is just the most gutsy and remarkable child. She has no problems on the football field at all. She just gets on with it and she loves playing.

'Her favourite team is Arsenal and she watches all their matches with her dad. She's football mad.'

Ellie was struck down with the near fatal bug just a month after her parents wedding day.

Lisa, who lives in Essex, with husband Paul, 48, said: 'She woke up one morning and was sick. She had a fever too and her limbs were freezing.

No stopping her: Ellie (left) as a baby after losing her limbs to meningitis. Now she plays once a week for her school's football team

'I took her to hospital but blood tests came back clear and we were sent home.'

But when Lisa arrived home, she noticed three red spots on Ellie's back.

Just four hours later she was covered in deep purple marks.

She said: 'I knew it was meningitis straight away and we rushed her back to hospital. She was so brave as the doctors put tubes into her and her body swelled up to three times its size.'

Ellie deteriorated fast. Within minutes she was black and blue. Then just a few hours later her heart stopped and doctors called her parents in to say goodbye.

Lisa, who also has two other children Tai'la, twelve, and Connor, 13, said: 'Paul and I just stood at the end of her bed shouting at her to survive.

'We thought we were going to lose her, but amazingly she pulled through and her heart started again.'

But over the next four days, slowly Ellie's legs and arms started to turn black. The couple were told that her arms and legs would have to be amputated.

Lisa, who works as a carer for adults with learning difficulties, said: 'We were devastated. All I could think about was how she was ever going to live a normal life.

source: dailymail

What secrets will he reveal? Gaddafi's playboy son Saif cowers after capture by rebels and will be quizzed about Blair, Mandelson and Prince Andrew fr


Hunted down: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi looks dejected and withdrawn following his capture

Looking haggard and fearful, Saif Al Islam Gaddafi cowers in terror after his capture by Libyan fighters yesterday.

His old swagger gone, the British-educated son of Colonel Gaddafi was clearly terrified that he might encounter the same fate as his father, who was killed a month ago.

Saif could yet face the death penalty for his crimes, but Libyan officials promised he would, at least, receive a fair trial. That trial could prove highly embarrassing for influential British figures – including Prince Andrew and Tony Blair – if Saif reveals details of the close links he enjoyed with them.

Arrested: Saif al-Islam pictured in a prison cell after his detention in the southern desert of Libya

The 39-year-old former playboy and womaniser was captured trying to flee across the border into Niger. A mob of angry protesters tried to storm the plane but were beaten back by soldiers under orders to keep their prisoner alive so he could face justice.

Only three weeks ago Saif had vowed to avenge his father's death, declaring defiantly: 'I am alive and free and willing to fight to the end.'

Airborne: Saif Gaddafi (second right) on the plane which took him to Zintan, following his capture, earlier this morning

But last night he was facing the likelihood of trial in his own country – or extradition to the International Criminal Court in The Hague on charges of crimes against humanity.

Thousands of Libyans celebrated in the streets after hearing that the fugitive, who remained loyal to his father's murderous regime to the end, had been captured without a struggle.

The dictator's heir was intercepted near the oil town of Obari as he tried to reach the frontier in a 4x4 vehicle, accompanied by three bodyguards.

Desert fighters acting on a tip-off fired into the air and ground to bring the car to a halt.

As they checked the identity of those inside, Saif told them his name was Abdelsalam – which means 'servant of peace' – but he was immediately recognised and taken away by the fighters.

Caught: Saif Gaddafi (left) said he was fine to journalists with him on the plane that took him to Zintan

Before the fall: A defiant Saif al-Islam strikes a typical 'V for victory' pose while talking to reporters at a press conference during the rebel uprising in August

Playboy: Saif, pictured at an opera ball, could spill some explosive secrets

Celebrations: Libyans hold up their national flag to hail the capture of Saif Gaddafi

Peace: Libyans young and old celebrated the capture of Saif Gaddafi

source: dailymail

The land where pizza is one of your five-a-day… because it is covered in tomato paste


Guideline reversal: A spending bill released late Monday reverses previous school lunch standards proposed by the Agriculture Department limiting the use of potatoes and allowing tomato paste on pizzas to be counted as a vegetable

It has given us the iced doughnut, the burger and the fattest people on Earth.

But now America is outdoing even itself when it comes to unhealthy food, by trying to claim pizza is a vegetable.

A school lunches Bill going before Congress aims to reclassify the junk food due to the tomato paste on the dough.

Pro veggies: First Lady Michelle Obama has made healthy eating a top issue for her, promoting a balanced meal with plenty of vegetables to young children which some feel may slouch with Congress' new guidelines

Despite lacking significant nutritional content, this thin coating would be enough for pizza to go towards a daily count of fruit and vegetables.

The move has been derided as a cost-cutting drive so the U.S. government will not have to spend so much on fresh food for school lunches. Subsidised school meals must include a certain amount of vegetables.

Fighting for fries: The Senate voted last month to block limiting potato in their version of healthy school lunches

A congressional committee is pushing for the move and to keep french fries on school lunch lines in a fightback against an Obama administration proposal to make school lunches healthier.

The final version of a spending bill released late Monday would unravel school lunch standards the Agriculture Department proposed earlier this year which limits the use of potatoes and delays limits on sodium and a requirement to boost whole grains.

The bill also would allow tomato paste on pizzas to be counted as a vegetable.

Garden education: Mrs Obama, who has invited local school children to help with the White House's garden, has pushed for healthier school lunches while some school districts have said the USDA requirements have gone too far and cost too much

Food companies that produce frozen pizzas for schools, the salt industry and potato growers requested the changes, and some conservatives in Congress say the federal government shouldn't be telling children what to eat.

Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee said the changes would 'prevent overly burdensome and costly regulations and to provide greater flexibility for local school districts to improve the nutritional quality of meals.'

Issue of National Security: Indiana Senator Richard Lugar called on Congress to pass Mission: Readiness, which says poor nutrition in school lunches is a national security issue because obesity is the leading medical disqualifier for military service

School districts had said some of the USDA requirements went too far and cost too much when budgets are extremely tight.

Schools have long taken broad instructions from the government on what they can serve in federally subsidized meals that are served free or at reduced price to low-income children.

But some schools have balked at government attempts to tell them exactly what foods they can't serve.

The school lunch provisions are part of a final House-Senate compromise on a $182 billion measure would fund the day-to-day operations of the departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Transportation and Housing and Urban Development.

Both the House and the Senate are expected to vote on the bill this week and send it to President Barack Obama.

source: dailymail

Pickles launches the 'curry college': He wants non Asian Brits to learn how to make popular food


Nice and spicy: The curry training scheme will teach people from all backgrounds how to cook in the style of the nation's favourite cuisine

Eric Pickles is to sponsor a 'curry college' as part of a new drive to train British workers for the jobs market.

The Communities Secretary is backing the school for chefs as part of the Government's plans to restrict immigration while getting British people off benefits and into work.

The curry training scheme will teach the skills of preparing chicken bhuna and tandoori prawn to people from all backgrounds looking to learn a trade.

Indian restaurant operators have been among business leaders with the deepest concerns over tightened immigration controls.

They say their £3.2 billion a year industry relies on chefs from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

A Whitehall paper leaked to the Guardian newspaper said: 'The Indian restaurant sector has already approached the Government to explore how they can be supported to recruit and train British workers.

'Changes must come from the sector but the Government will work with them to identify barriers and short-term support'.

Immigration rules are being drawn up on the understanding that 'we do not need to attract people to do jobs that could be carried out by British citizens, given the right training and support'.

The scheme is in line with Conservative policy to make deep cuts in immigration numbers on the basis 'that we do not need to attract people to do jobs that could be carried out by British citizens, given the right training and support'.

source: dailymail

Is this an alien skull? Mystery of giant-headed mummy found in Peru


Spanish and Russian scientists who have examined the remains claim they are actually those of an alien

A mummified elongated skull found in Peru could finally prove the existence of aliens.

The strangely shaped head - almost as big as its 50cm (20in) body - has baffled anthropologists.

It was one of two sets of remains found in the city of Andahuaylillas in the southern province of Quispicanchi.

The unidentified creature has a strangely shaped skull nearly as large as its 20-inch-tall body

The skeletal sets were discovered by Renato Davila Riquelme, who works for the Privado Ritos Andinos museum in Cusco in south-eastern Peru.

He said that that the eye cavities are far larger than normally seen in humans.

There is a soft spot in the skull - called an open fontanelle - which is a characteristic of children in their first year of life, yet the skull also has two large molars, only found in much older humans.

Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull featured a conical alien skull similar to the one found in Peru

Davila Riquelme said three anthropologists, from Spain and Russia, arrived at the museum last week to investigate the findings and agreed it was 'not a human being' and would conduct further studies.

He added: 'Although the assessment was superficial, it is obvious that its features do not correspond to any ethnic group in the world.'

The remains of an eyeball in the right socket will help determine its genetic DNA - and clear up the controversy if it is human or not.

The second mummy is incomplete and is only 30cm (12in).

It lacks a face and seems to be wrapped in a layer as a placenta, fetal position.

The remains bear a striking resemblance to the triangular crystal skull in the 2008 Indiana Jones film Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - which turned out to be of alien origin and have supernatural powers.

source: dailymail