Di dunia ini, banyak sekali gunung berapi yang pernah meledak dan menyebabkan korban berjatuhan yang tak sedikit jumlahnya, bahkan beberapa pernah tercatat sampai ribuan jiwa yang menjadi korban keganasan sang perut alam ini. Tapi walaupun ada beratus-ratus letusan gunung berapi yang ada di seluruh bumi ini, kami mencatat ada 10 letusan terdahsyat yang menyebabkan banyak korban jiwa (perlu diketahui, 4 diantaranya ada di Indonesia lho)
10. Mount Lamington
Lamington adalah gunung api dengan ketinggian 1,680 meter yang terletak di Papua New Guinea. Sialnya hingga tahun 1951, penduduk setempat di Provinsi Oro ini mengira gunung tersebut hanyalah gunung biasa yang ditumbuhi pepohonan.
Hingga suatu malam pada 18 Januari, lahar dan asap mulai untuk keluar dari puncaknya, dan tiga hari kemudian, sebuah ledakan sangat besar dari sisi utara, menyebabkan langit ditutupi debu tebal dan gerimis magma bercampur uap sulfur. Dalam beberapa bulan kemudian getaran dan letusan terus berlanjut hingga radius 10 mil. Ledakannya menyebabkan total hampi 3,000 kematian.
9. Papandayan
Papandayan adalah sebuah gunung api semi-aktif yang terletak di pulau Jawa, Indonesia. Pada 1772, gunung api ini meletus menghancurkan 40 desa di dekatnya. Lebih dari 3,000 orang terbunuh. Gunung api ini diperkirakan masih sangat berbahaya dan terus mengeluarkan asap dan letusan-letusan di tahun 1923, 1942, dan terus meningkatkan kekuatannya di tahun 2002.
8. Kelud
Kelud juga terletak di Pulau Jawa, Indonesia. Sisi timur Kelud telah 'menggerutu' pada tahun 2008, di mana sebelumnya pada tahun 1919 lumpur lahar telah membunuh di atas 5,000 orang. Sejak itu, Terowongan Ampera, suatu sistem pengeringan untuk menampung banjir lahar dari kawah telah dibangun.
Oktober 2007, ketika itu 30,000 penduduk lokal harus diungsikan setelah gunung api dalam kondisi Siaga Merah. Selama dua minggu Kelud memuntahkan debu hingga 8 mil jauhnya.
7. Unzen
Unzen yang terdiri dari beberapa lapis stratovolcanoes terletak di daerah Kyushu, Jepang. Gunung api setinggi 1,500 meter ini masih aktip hingga kini. Pada tahun1792 beberapa kubah lahar roboh, menyebabkan tsunami yang membunuh lebih 15,000 orang. Sebuah letusan terbaru di tahun 1991 telam membunuh lebih dari 40 orang dan menyebabkan kerusakan luar biasa pada bangunan-bangunan disekitarnya.
6. Ruiz
Nevado Del Ruiz, Kolumbia, dikenal karena laharnya yaitu mudflow atau longsoran yang terdiri atas air dan material pyroclastic yang mengalir dan mematikan . Di tahun 1595, 635 orang terbunuh setelah lumpur yang yang mendidih seperti dituangkan ke dalam sungai Guali dan Lagunillas, dan di tahun 1845 lebih dari 1,000 orang tewas.
Kota Armero yang dibangun di atas magma yang mengering telah kehilangan hampir seluruh populasi penduduknya ketika di tahun1985, sebuah letusan telah mengalirkan lahar dengan kecepatan 40 mil per jam dan mengubur kota. Lebih dari 23,000 orang tewas.
5. Mount Pelee
Gunung api yang terletak di Martinique, kini menjadi tujuan wisatawa di Perancis yang populer untuk mengenang bahwa sesuatu yang sangat mematikan telah terjadi di sini. Pada tahun 1902, sebuah letusan yang terbesar di abad 20 terjadi di sini dan menewaskan lebih dari 30,000 orang.
Dimulai dengan letusan kecil beruntun yang hanya mengeluarkan asap, belerang dan debu dan pada April 1902, gunung api ini tidak sepenuhnya meletus sampai tanggal 8 Mei 1902. Air mancur lahar yang menyala, dan awan beracun meluncur deras dengan kecepatan 600 mil per jam dari gunung api tersebut.
Dengan temperatur 1075 derajat, lahar telah mendidihkan kota St.Pierre bawahnya. Kota terbakar berhari-hari kemudian. Hanya dua orang yang selamat pada waktu itu.
4. Tambora
Tambora adalah gunung api aktip dari 130-an gunung api yang yang ada di Indonesia. Gunung raksasa setinggi 4,300 meter telah 'melakukan' serangkaian ledakan dari April hingga Juni di tahun 1815 dan mengguncangkan dunia dengan after-effect-nya yang mengubah stratosfir dan menyebabkan kelaparan yang buruk hingga ke US dan Eropa pada abad ke 19.
Batu merah berpijar menghujani angkasa ketika sepenuhnya gunung tersebut meletus. Semua tumbuh-tumbuhan pada pulau dimana gunung tersebut berada dibinasakan oleh lahar dan awan beracun. Secara keseluruhan, lebih 71,000 orang tewas karena terbakar, kelaparan ataupun keracunan.
3 Laki
aki adalah sebuah gunung api di Islandia yang legendaris yang telah tertidur sejak letusan terakhirnya yang sangat dahsyat di tahun 1783. Dengan ketinggian 1.725 meter, gunung api ini menyebabkan kerusakan di seluruh negara ketika secara spektakuler meletus, membunuh di atas 50% populasi makhluk hidup di Islandia dengan awan belerang dan fluorine beracunnya.
Kelaparan menjadi penyebab matinya 25% populasi tersebut. Air mancur lahar memancar hingga 1.400 meter tingginya. Seluruh dunia merasakan akibat dari letusan tersebut. Awan beracun menyebar hingga ke Eropa, menutupi langit belahan bumi bagian utara yang menyebabkan musim dingin datang lebih awal di Inggris dan membunuh 8.000 orang.
Di Amerika Utara, musim dingin 1784 menjadi musim dingin terpanjang dan paling dingin yang pernah tercatat. Ada catatan lebih banyak salju di New Jersey, sungai Mississippi membeku di New Orleans, dan di ditemukan es di Teluk Mexico!.
2. Mount Vesuvius
Gunung api ini menjadi nomor dua untuk kekejamannya, menyebabkan kematian hingga 25,000 nyawa. Ketika Vesuvius dengan letusan yang maha dahsyat di tahun 79 SM, sepenuhnya telah menguburkan kota Pompeii di bawahnya dengan memuntahkan 'isi perutnya' selama 20 jam nonstop. Sejak itu, gunung api ini meletus lusinan kali dan terakhir pada tahun 1944 beberapa desa didekatnya telah dibinasakan..
1. Krakatau
Krakatoa, juga dikenal sebagai Krakatau, adalah pulau vulkanis yang still-dangerous, terletak di Selat Sunda, Indonesia. Agustus 1883, sebuah rangkaian ledakan dahsyat yang mengerikan dengan kekuatan 13,000 kali lebih besar dari bom Hiroshima. Ledakannya terdengar hingga ke Perth, Australia.
Muntahan lebih dari 21 kilometer kubik batu dan debu membumbung hingga setinggi 70 mil. Secara resmi, lebih dari 37,000 orang tewas. Namun dengan tsunami yang ditimbulkannya, korban sepertinya bisa lebih besar lagi
sumber: http://blognyajose.blogspot.com/2010/10/10-letusan-gunung-berapi-terdahsyat-di.html
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Good gourd almighty! Stunning seasonal display of pumpkins and squashes set to wow the crowds
Final piece in the jigsaw: Tony Smith puts the final touches to the Pumpkin mural designed for this year's annual Pumpkin festival in the tiny village of Slindon near Arundell in West Sussex. It depicts a wheelbarrow with eagles flying overhead
Forget getting away with carving the odd pumpkin for a seasonal display, this stunning effort used up 600 of the fruit and 100 different varieties.
Made from pumpkins, squashes and gourds, the mural was created - for the 43rd straight year - by Robin Upton and ten helpers.
The display attracts tourists from far and wide to the village of Slindon, near Arundel in West Sussex, and this year the stacked fruit shows a wheel barrow, a basket of fruit and buzzards in the sky.
Final piece in the jigsaw: Tony Smith puts the final touches to the Pumpkin mural designed for this year's annual Pumpkin festival in the tiny village of Slindon near Arundell in West Sussex. It depicts a wheelbarrow with eagles flying overhead
The display used to be stacked against a shed next to the family's small-holding, but that collapsed a few years ago and now scaffolding is used.
It took Robin and helpers ten days to put the 12ft by 20ft picture together.
The tradition began in 1968 when Robin's late father Ralph placed the fruit on his shed to ripen off.
It became an attraction and the displays got larger and more complicated and each year expectation grows.
This is the 43rd year the attraction has been done. This image of a traction engine is a previous creation
Robin, 65, said: 'It all began when my father put the pumpkins on the roof to ripen off and it used to bring people in to buy them.
'Over the years it got bigger and bigger and a few years ago shed that we used collapsed so now we put up scaffolding.
'We've used about 600 fruit and 100 varieties. We grow some and bring others in.
'People love it and it is as popular as ever. It normally stays until the middle of November, but it depends on the weather.'
source: dailymail
Final piece in the jigsaw: Tony Smith puts the final touches to the Pumpkin mural designed for this year's annual Pumpkin festival in the tiny village of Slindon near Arundell in West Sussex. It depicts a wheelbarrow with eagles flying overhead
Forget getting away with carving the odd pumpkin for a seasonal display, this stunning effort used up 600 of the fruit and 100 different varieties.
Made from pumpkins, squashes and gourds, the mural was created - for the 43rd straight year - by Robin Upton and ten helpers.
The display attracts tourists from far and wide to the village of Slindon, near Arundel in West Sussex, and this year the stacked fruit shows a wheel barrow, a basket of fruit and buzzards in the sky.
Final piece in the jigsaw: Tony Smith puts the final touches to the Pumpkin mural designed for this year's annual Pumpkin festival in the tiny village of Slindon near Arundell in West Sussex. It depicts a wheelbarrow with eagles flying overhead
The display used to be stacked against a shed next to the family's small-holding, but that collapsed a few years ago and now scaffolding is used.
It took Robin and helpers ten days to put the 12ft by 20ft picture together.
The tradition began in 1968 when Robin's late father Ralph placed the fruit on his shed to ripen off.
It became an attraction and the displays got larger and more complicated and each year expectation grows.
This is the 43rd year the attraction has been done. This image of a traction engine is a previous creation
Robin, 65, said: 'It all began when my father put the pumpkins on the roof to ripen off and it used to bring people in to buy them.
'Over the years it got bigger and bigger and a few years ago shed that we used collapsed so now we put up scaffolding.
'We've used about 600 fruit and 100 varieties. We grow some and bring others in.
'People love it and it is as popular as ever. It normally stays until the middle of November, but it depends on the weather.'
source: dailymail
Now that's a REAL armada, Ma'am! Craft by craft, the amazing Thames flotilla that will mark Queen's Diamond Jubilee
It will be the high water mark in a reign that has witnessed the ebb and flow of the tides of 60 years: a magnificent flotilla of boats rowing, steaming and motoring down the Thames with the Queen aboard a new Royal Barge at its head.
Today, The Mail on Sunday can reveal the 'Order of Battle' for next summer's Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant on Sunday, June 3, the pinnacle of four days of national celebration marking the Queen's accession.
It is to be the greatest gathering on the river since the time of Charles II three-and-a-half centuries ago, stretching seven miles and taking 90 minutes to pass a fixed point.
THE LITTLE HEROES OF DUNKIRK: No national pageant would be complete without the Dunkirk Little Ships that rescued members of the British Expeditionary Force from France in a defining moment of the Second World War. More than 700 private boats sailed from Ramsgate to Dunkirk between May 26 and June 4, 1940, to rescue over 338,000 trapped Allied soldiers. So far, 42 surviving ships have volunteered to take part, including Wanda, Tom Tit and Lady Gay
The Mail on Sunday has spoken to dozens of those involved to build the clearest picture yet of its true scale in terms of the size and variety of craft – seen here on our illustration – volunteering to form an English armada behind their Monarch and sail into river history.
For this is the 'people's pageant', with almost every craft – other than the Royal Barge and security vessels – having applied to take part through a unique public ballot that closes tomorrow night. Organisers, the Thames Diamond Jubilee Foundation, have until the end of the year to make their final selection.
A MEMORY OF CHURCHILL: Behind the Cutters, and ahead of boats representing all members of the Commonwealth, will be the Havengore. She was commissioned as a hydrographic survey vessel by the Port of London Authority and launched in 1956 but is better known for her service to the nation. She bore the coffin of Sir Winston Churchill from Tower Pier down to Festival Hall Pier for his State Funeral in 1965, and has been used on Armistice Day by the Goldfish Club, the band of RAF men plucked from the Channel after being shot down during the war.
The result will be a very non-Royal navy. It will include craft that have played a role in national life, such as Churchill's funeral boat, the Havengore, and Dunkirk Little Ships.
Plying the waters of the Thames alongside them will also be around 40 narrow boats and 20 of the Dutch barges favoured by river dwellers, more than 100 private motor boats, between 30 and 40 tugs and barges and around 250 rowing boats, including classic Thames cutters.
At the rear will be a fleet of party boats. It is thought that every Class V passenger cruiser currently licensed on the Thames will participate, playing music from the decades of the Queen's reign and carrying people dressed in fashions from the eras.
The pageant will be led by the Queen on board the Royal Barge. Britain does not have a permanent Royal Barge and no vessel has yet been selected for the starring role (above is an artist's impression of how it may look). Her Majesty and the Royal Household traditionally use the Port of London Authority's 12-seater motor launch, the Royal Nore, when they travel by river and it was she who carried the Monarch for her Silver Jubilee celebrations in 1977. However, the launch has been discounted as a craft is required that will ensure the vast crowds can see the Queen while preserving her safety. The Royal Barge will fly the Royal Standard and bear the Queen's Bargemaster and eight of her Royal Watermen in full ceremonial regalia.
A collection of large vessels too big to sail under the bridges – including square riggers, oyster smacks and naval vessels – will be moored on the riverbank as a spectacular Avenue Of Sail. Up to 20,000 crew and passengers will be on the water with up to a million watching from the banks and bridges.
Each family of vessels will be separated by a Herald Barge. The first will be a Belfry, built on a traditional Thames barge, but another six are likely to be converted passenger boats. Names under consideration include the Connaught, built in Oxford in 1911 and considered the finest Edwardian pleasure boat still afloat on the Thames.
She has been used by stars such as Vanessa Redgrave and Jane Seymour for private parties, and may be the Drums and Pipes Herald Barge.
Others in the running are understood to be the passenger boats Sapele and Sarpedon, and the MV Edwardian built in 1985 for Richard Branson.
They will be designated the Water and Whistles Barge (intended to look like a geyser, in honour of the old Thames fireboats); a Brass Band Herald Barge (possibly the brass section of the London Symphony Orchestra); a Bateria Herald Barge (maybe full of drummers with a South American/Samba feel); and finally a Pyrotechnics Herald Barge with a climactic fireworks display.
The flotilla, expected to close the river between 11am and 6pm, will begin at Putney with Her Majesty at its helm. The Royal Barge will be followed by VIP guests, possibly including younger members of the Royal Family. The PS Elizabethan, a replica of an 1890s Mississippi stern-wheeled paddle steamer, is being considered for the job. The Queen will sail to Tower Bridge where she will disembark to watch the pageant. It will end in Greenwich, a course of around 12 miles.
Chris Livett, one of the Queen's Watermen – a title held by just 24 people at any one time – sits on the Pageant's Executive Group.
He said: 'There are going to be a lot of boats, colour and noise, not only on the river but on its bridges and waterfront buildings. It will be the event of 2012. The whole world will be watching.'
The pageant is a recreation of one of London's most ancient traditions. The first recorded was a Lord Mayor's Show in 1453, and the last featured 140 vessels to mark the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977.
Her Diamond Jubilee pageant with its glorious vessels, sailed by the people for their Queen, will be an epic depiction of river life and will doubtless capture the same mood of pride and affection that greeted the Royal Wedding.
The Thames has been described as liquid history – and with this wondrous flotilla it is set to make a little more.
source: dailymail
It will be the high water mark in a reign that has witnessed the ebb and flow of the tides of 60 years: a magnificent flotilla of boats rowing, steaming and motoring down the Thames with the Queen aboard a new Royal Barge at its head.
Today, The Mail on Sunday can reveal the 'Order of Battle' for next summer's Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant on Sunday, June 3, the pinnacle of four days of national celebration marking the Queen's accession.
It is to be the greatest gathering on the river since the time of Charles II three-and-a-half centuries ago, stretching seven miles and taking 90 minutes to pass a fixed point.
THE LITTLE HEROES OF DUNKIRK: No national pageant would be complete without the Dunkirk Little Ships that rescued members of the British Expeditionary Force from France in a defining moment of the Second World War. More than 700 private boats sailed from Ramsgate to Dunkirk between May 26 and June 4, 1940, to rescue over 338,000 trapped Allied soldiers. So far, 42 surviving ships have volunteered to take part, including Wanda, Tom Tit and Lady Gay
The Mail on Sunday has spoken to dozens of those involved to build the clearest picture yet of its true scale in terms of the size and variety of craft – seen here on our illustration – volunteering to form an English armada behind their Monarch and sail into river history.
For this is the 'people's pageant', with almost every craft – other than the Royal Barge and security vessels – having applied to take part through a unique public ballot that closes tomorrow night. Organisers, the Thames Diamond Jubilee Foundation, have until the end of the year to make their final selection.
A MEMORY OF CHURCHILL: Behind the Cutters, and ahead of boats representing all members of the Commonwealth, will be the Havengore. She was commissioned as a hydrographic survey vessel by the Port of London Authority and launched in 1956 but is better known for her service to the nation. She bore the coffin of Sir Winston Churchill from Tower Pier down to Festival Hall Pier for his State Funeral in 1965, and has been used on Armistice Day by the Goldfish Club, the band of RAF men plucked from the Channel after being shot down during the war.
The result will be a very non-Royal navy. It will include craft that have played a role in national life, such as Churchill's funeral boat, the Havengore, and Dunkirk Little Ships.
Plying the waters of the Thames alongside them will also be around 40 narrow boats and 20 of the Dutch barges favoured by river dwellers, more than 100 private motor boats, between 30 and 40 tugs and barges and around 250 rowing boats, including classic Thames cutters.
At the rear will be a fleet of party boats. It is thought that every Class V passenger cruiser currently licensed on the Thames will participate, playing music from the decades of the Queen's reign and carrying people dressed in fashions from the eras.
The pageant will be led by the Queen on board the Royal Barge. Britain does not have a permanent Royal Barge and no vessel has yet been selected for the starring role (above is an artist's impression of how it may look). Her Majesty and the Royal Household traditionally use the Port of London Authority's 12-seater motor launch, the Royal Nore, when they travel by river and it was she who carried the Monarch for her Silver Jubilee celebrations in 1977. However, the launch has been discounted as a craft is required that will ensure the vast crowds can see the Queen while preserving her safety. The Royal Barge will fly the Royal Standard and bear the Queen's Bargemaster and eight of her Royal Watermen in full ceremonial regalia.
A collection of large vessels too big to sail under the bridges – including square riggers, oyster smacks and naval vessels – will be moored on the riverbank as a spectacular Avenue Of Sail. Up to 20,000 crew and passengers will be on the water with up to a million watching from the banks and bridges.
Each family of vessels will be separated by a Herald Barge. The first will be a Belfry, built on a traditional Thames barge, but another six are likely to be converted passenger boats. Names under consideration include the Connaught, built in Oxford in 1911 and considered the finest Edwardian pleasure boat still afloat on the Thames.
She has been used by stars such as Vanessa Redgrave and Jane Seymour for private parties, and may be the Drums and Pipes Herald Barge.
Others in the running are understood to be the passenger boats Sapele and Sarpedon, and the MV Edwardian built in 1985 for Richard Branson.
They will be designated the Water and Whistles Barge (intended to look like a geyser, in honour of the old Thames fireboats); a Brass Band Herald Barge (possibly the brass section of the London Symphony Orchestra); a Bateria Herald Barge (maybe full of drummers with a South American/Samba feel); and finally a Pyrotechnics Herald Barge with a climactic fireworks display.
The flotilla, expected to close the river between 11am and 6pm, will begin at Putney with Her Majesty at its helm. The Royal Barge will be followed by VIP guests, possibly including younger members of the Royal Family. The PS Elizabethan, a replica of an 1890s Mississippi stern-wheeled paddle steamer, is being considered for the job. The Queen will sail to Tower Bridge where she will disembark to watch the pageant. It will end in Greenwich, a course of around 12 miles.
Chris Livett, one of the Queen's Watermen – a title held by just 24 people at any one time – sits on the Pageant's Executive Group.
He said: 'There are going to be a lot of boats, colour and noise, not only on the river but on its bridges and waterfront buildings. It will be the event of 2012. The whole world will be watching.'
The pageant is a recreation of one of London's most ancient traditions. The first recorded was a Lord Mayor's Show in 1453, and the last featured 140 vessels to mark the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977.
Her Diamond Jubilee pageant with its glorious vessels, sailed by the people for their Queen, will be an epic depiction of river life and will doubtless capture the same mood of pride and affection that greeted the Royal Wedding.
The Thames has been described as liquid history – and with this wondrous flotilla it is set to make a little more.
source: dailymail
Snow in New York: The Big Apple gets an inch before Halloween for the first time EVER - and there is much more on the way
Autumn winter connection: Snow falls in a park in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania two days before Halloween leaving mix of Autumnal hues and winter white
New York has today been hit by more than one inch of snowfall before Halloween for the first time ever - with experts predicting much more on the way.
A cold weather front is chugging up the East Coast of the U.S at an unusually early period and is expected to dump up to 10inches throughout the region.
More than 1.5 million homes have already lost power in the storm.
Some places in mid-Atlantic states saw more than half a foot of snow and approximately 250,000 customers lost power in Pennsylvania and Maryland, requiring utility crews from Ohio and Kentucky to fix it.
Halloween frost: Workers clear snow from the sidewalks as a decorative display of pumpkins lay coated in snow in New York today
Haze: People run for shelter in New York as the rare snowstorm hits the city today
Ghoulish: A taxi drives past a Halloween-decorated house as snow falls in New York today
Hazardous: Cars drive under and around a fallen tree on Route 303 in Valley Cottage, New York
Hope they packed the de-icer: Cars parked in Manhattan quickly had their windscreens covered in snow
More than 1,000 flights into or out of the United States were cancelled, with New York particularly affected. JFK airport had around 230 called off by 5pm local time.
Around 60 million people will experience the rare October snowstorm, which should unleash heavy, wet snow and wind, causing fallen tree branches and potential travel chaos.
This weekend looks set to see huge amounts of sleet and snow covering the North East, invariably causing power outages and travel chaos. Some areas bracing for up to a foot of snow.
Rare snowfall: A man walking through Soho in Manhattan, New York as it snows for only the fourth time in October since the Civil War in the 1860s
By 2pm, 1.3 inches of snow had fallen in Central Park; never before in October has an inch of snow fallen on a given day in New York City, AccuWeather reported.
The website reported that 10 inches in Ogletown, Pennsylvania, 9.5 inches in Frostburg, Maryland, and 8.5 inches in Lost River, West Virginia.
New York has received measurable snow before Halloween only three times since 1869 - and never more than one inch, as happened today.
The heaviest snow, though, is forecast for later in the day on Sunday in the Massachusetts Berkshires, the Litchfield Hills in northwestern Connecticut, southwestern New Hampshire and the southern Green Mountains.
Packing a punch: Satellite map shows the massive winter storm making its way up the Northeast coast
'It's going to be wet, sticky and gloppy,' said NWS spokesman Chris Vaccaro. 'It's not going to be a dry, fluffy snow.'
The storm comes on a busy weekend for many along the Eastern Seaboard, with trick-or-treaters going door-to-door in search of Halloween booty, hunting season opening in some states and a full slate of college and pro football scheduled.
Fans in State College were making the most of what school officials said was the first measurable snowfall for any October home game since records began being kept in 1896.
The crowds were thinner, but 'the die-hards are here,' said T.J. Coursen of Centre Hall, an alumnus.
In Connecticut, Governor Dannel P. Malloy warned residents that they could lose power due to the anticipated wet, heavy snow.
Tractor to the rescue: Workers try to clear falling snow from the field before an NCAA college football game between West Virginia and Rutgers in Piscataway, New Jersey today
White pumpkins: A vendor today cleans the fresh snow next to his stall of Halloween pumpkins at a farmers market in the town of Westminster, Maryland
Traffic woes: The snowfall is expected to cause traffic problems throughout the East Coast
Standing firm: An Occupy Wall Street supporter braves the elements while maintaining his protest in Zuccotti Park in New York
The heaviest snows are expected between 5pm and 8pm this evening, although the temperatures could bring light snow throughout the night.
The storm is expected to come hard and fast, with the heaviest snow set for the Virginia and West Virginia border through eastern Pennsylvania and southeastern New York state, northwestern New Jersey, northern Connecticut, Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire.
Naturally, areas of high altitude will be the most treacherous. Travel chaos is likely, with downed trees a very likely hazard and cars liable to skid on frozen roads.
In New England, where six inches of snow has already fallen, there is also expected to be powerful winds which could be very dangerous - bringing down trees and power lines.
Six inches already: Vermont has had heavy snowfall already and more is expected to come this weekend
Snowstorm: A workman struggles through huge amounts of snowfall in Vermont, where another storm is expected on Saturday night
Winter's here! Residents in Vermont woke up to six inches of snowfall on Friday morning
Temperatures in the 30s and 40s and wind chills in the 20s will make it feel like winter has truly arrived.
Forecasters at weather.com say the heaviest amounts of snow will fall in parts of Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, upstate New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.
These areas could see between two to four inches late on Saturday.
Weather.com said: 'Precipitation will start as rain in these locations, but may change over to snow. How quickly this occurs and how much snow falls is dependent on the availability of enough cold air, which is difficult to forecast early in the season.'
The Northeast can expect what Denver already got. Colorado was hit with an unseasonably early snowstorm this week, sending some Occupy protesters to the hospital
Early season snows, when the leaves are still on the trees, are notorious for causing tree damage and power outages and this storm will be no exception.
The biggest impact from the weekend's storm will not come from snow accumulation, but from the rain and melted snow freezing on bridges and overpasses.
Sunday morning could be particularly treacherous on the roads.
Overnight freeze warnings are in effect across the north east region.
Lows in the 20s will effectively bring the agricultural growing season to an end, the Wall Street Journal reports.
Residents in the path of the unseasonable snow should watch out for power outages and falling tree limbs, still green from the late summer
Surface temperature is a factor in accumulations.
It's been a warm October so far in much of the north east, so any falling wet snow that hits the pavement could melt soon after contact. If snow rates are heavy enough, then the warm ground obstacle to accumulations would be overcome.
Trick or treaters most likely will not be treading the white stuff on Monday.
The forecast for the country is mostly dry, though a few disturbances could bring some showers to parts of Pennsylvania and upstate New York.
The frozen north: Map showing the expected accumulation on grassy surfaces, indicating that east-central Pennsylvania to south-central New England will be hardest hit late on Saturday
National Weather Service meteorologist Bill Simpson said you would won't need to go out and buy roof rakes, but October snowfall records could be broken in parts of southern New England, especially at higher elevations.
The October record for southern New England is 7.5 inches in Worcester in 1979, the Associated Press reports.
The most snow will likely hit the Massachusetts Berkshires, the Litchfield Hills in northwestern Connecticut, and south western New Hampshire, he said.
Connecticut Gov Dannel P. Malloy warned residents that they could lose power.
The storm could bring more than six inches of snow to parts of Maine beginning Saturday night.
In Pennsylvania, six to 10 inches could fall at higher elevations, including the Laurel Highlands in the south western part of the state and the Pocono Mountains in the north eastern part.
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh could see a coating.
Not meant to be: Halloween decorations stand covered in snow in a front lawn in Denver, Colorado. A foot of snow fell this week, just two days after the city was 80 degrees
Initial blast: First snowfall in the tri-state area was in Vernon, Connecticut, on Thursday night
John LaCorte, a National Weather Service meteorologist in State College, Pennsylvania, said: 'This is very, very unusual. It has all the look and feel of a classic midwinter nor'easter. It's going to be very dangerous.'
The last major widespread snowstorm in Pennsylvania this early was in 1972, Mr LaCorte said.
In New England, the first measurable snow usually falls in early December, and normal highs for late October are in the mid-50s.
'This is just wrong,' said Dee Lund of East Hampton, who was at a Glastonbury garage getting four new tires put on her car before a weekend road trip to New Hampshire.
Temperature plunge: The Saturday daytime figures show a biting 42-47 degrees as the storm clouds gather. Forecasters are predicting a 5pm start for the snow in much of the north east
Heading north: The temperatures ease up slightly Sunday daytime as the snow makes its way to northern New England
Drying out: Trick or treaters can look forward to a dry day for most of the country, with some showers in the north
Miss Lund said that after last winter's record snowfall, which left a 12-foot snow bank outside her house, she'd been hoping for a reprieve.
The good news, Mr Simpson said, is that relatively warm water temperatures along the Atlantic seaboard would keep the snowfall totals much lower along the coast and in cities such as Boston.
Temperatures should return to the mid-50s by midweek.
'This doesn't mean our winter is going to be terrible,' he said.
'We're Not Leaving': A snow-dusted protest sign sits under a tree at the Occupy Denver camp on Wednesday. Several protesters were taken to the hospital for hypothermia
'You can't get any correlation from a two-day event.'
Not everyone is lamenting the arrival of winter. Dan Patrylak, 79, of Glastonbury, had just moved back to New England from Arizona and was picking up two new ice scrapers for his car.
He said he was looking forward to seeing snow on the ground again.
'In Phoenix, it's 113 all summer long,' he said. 'So, it just depends on where you are and what the weather is and you learn to accept that. Whatever it is, I'm going to be ready for it.'
source: dailymail
Autumn winter connection: Snow falls in a park in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania two days before Halloween leaving mix of Autumnal hues and winter white
New York has today been hit by more than one inch of snowfall before Halloween for the first time ever - with experts predicting much more on the way.
A cold weather front is chugging up the East Coast of the U.S at an unusually early period and is expected to dump up to 10inches throughout the region.
More than 1.5 million homes have already lost power in the storm.
Some places in mid-Atlantic states saw more than half a foot of snow and approximately 250,000 customers lost power in Pennsylvania and Maryland, requiring utility crews from Ohio and Kentucky to fix it.
Halloween frost: Workers clear snow from the sidewalks as a decorative display of pumpkins lay coated in snow in New York today
Haze: People run for shelter in New York as the rare snowstorm hits the city today
Ghoulish: A taxi drives past a Halloween-decorated house as snow falls in New York today
Hazardous: Cars drive under and around a fallen tree on Route 303 in Valley Cottage, New York
Hope they packed the de-icer: Cars parked in Manhattan quickly had their windscreens covered in snow
More than 1,000 flights into or out of the United States were cancelled, with New York particularly affected. JFK airport had around 230 called off by 5pm local time.
Around 60 million people will experience the rare October snowstorm, which should unleash heavy, wet snow and wind, causing fallen tree branches and potential travel chaos.
This weekend looks set to see huge amounts of sleet and snow covering the North East, invariably causing power outages and travel chaos. Some areas bracing for up to a foot of snow.
Rare snowfall: A man walking through Soho in Manhattan, New York as it snows for only the fourth time in October since the Civil War in the 1860s
By 2pm, 1.3 inches of snow had fallen in Central Park; never before in October has an inch of snow fallen on a given day in New York City, AccuWeather reported.
The website reported that 10 inches in Ogletown, Pennsylvania, 9.5 inches in Frostburg, Maryland, and 8.5 inches in Lost River, West Virginia.
New York has received measurable snow before Halloween only three times since 1869 - and never more than one inch, as happened today.
The heaviest snow, though, is forecast for later in the day on Sunday in the Massachusetts Berkshires, the Litchfield Hills in northwestern Connecticut, southwestern New Hampshire and the southern Green Mountains.
Packing a punch: Satellite map shows the massive winter storm making its way up the Northeast coast
'It's going to be wet, sticky and gloppy,' said NWS spokesman Chris Vaccaro. 'It's not going to be a dry, fluffy snow.'
The storm comes on a busy weekend for many along the Eastern Seaboard, with trick-or-treaters going door-to-door in search of Halloween booty, hunting season opening in some states and a full slate of college and pro football scheduled.
Fans in State College were making the most of what school officials said was the first measurable snowfall for any October home game since records began being kept in 1896.
The crowds were thinner, but 'the die-hards are here,' said T.J. Coursen of Centre Hall, an alumnus.
In Connecticut, Governor Dannel P. Malloy warned residents that they could lose power due to the anticipated wet, heavy snow.
Tractor to the rescue: Workers try to clear falling snow from the field before an NCAA college football game between West Virginia and Rutgers in Piscataway, New Jersey today
White pumpkins: A vendor today cleans the fresh snow next to his stall of Halloween pumpkins at a farmers market in the town of Westminster, Maryland
Traffic woes: The snowfall is expected to cause traffic problems throughout the East Coast
Standing firm: An Occupy Wall Street supporter braves the elements while maintaining his protest in Zuccotti Park in New York
The heaviest snows are expected between 5pm and 8pm this evening, although the temperatures could bring light snow throughout the night.
The storm is expected to come hard and fast, with the heaviest snow set for the Virginia and West Virginia border through eastern Pennsylvania and southeastern New York state, northwestern New Jersey, northern Connecticut, Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire.
Naturally, areas of high altitude will be the most treacherous. Travel chaos is likely, with downed trees a very likely hazard and cars liable to skid on frozen roads.
In New England, where six inches of snow has already fallen, there is also expected to be powerful winds which could be very dangerous - bringing down trees and power lines.
Six inches already: Vermont has had heavy snowfall already and more is expected to come this weekend
Snowstorm: A workman struggles through huge amounts of snowfall in Vermont, where another storm is expected on Saturday night
Winter's here! Residents in Vermont woke up to six inches of snowfall on Friday morning
Temperatures in the 30s and 40s and wind chills in the 20s will make it feel like winter has truly arrived.
Forecasters at weather.com say the heaviest amounts of snow will fall in parts of Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, upstate New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.
These areas could see between two to four inches late on Saturday.
Weather.com said: 'Precipitation will start as rain in these locations, but may change over to snow. How quickly this occurs and how much snow falls is dependent on the availability of enough cold air, which is difficult to forecast early in the season.'
The Northeast can expect what Denver already got. Colorado was hit with an unseasonably early snowstorm this week, sending some Occupy protesters to the hospital
Early season snows, when the leaves are still on the trees, are notorious for causing tree damage and power outages and this storm will be no exception.
The biggest impact from the weekend's storm will not come from snow accumulation, but from the rain and melted snow freezing on bridges and overpasses.
Sunday morning could be particularly treacherous on the roads.
Overnight freeze warnings are in effect across the north east region.
Lows in the 20s will effectively bring the agricultural growing season to an end, the Wall Street Journal reports.
Residents in the path of the unseasonable snow should watch out for power outages and falling tree limbs, still green from the late summer
Surface temperature is a factor in accumulations.
It's been a warm October so far in much of the north east, so any falling wet snow that hits the pavement could melt soon after contact. If snow rates are heavy enough, then the warm ground obstacle to accumulations would be overcome.
Trick or treaters most likely will not be treading the white stuff on Monday.
The forecast for the country is mostly dry, though a few disturbances could bring some showers to parts of Pennsylvania and upstate New York.
The frozen north: Map showing the expected accumulation on grassy surfaces, indicating that east-central Pennsylvania to south-central New England will be hardest hit late on Saturday
National Weather Service meteorologist Bill Simpson said you would won't need to go out and buy roof rakes, but October snowfall records could be broken in parts of southern New England, especially at higher elevations.
The October record for southern New England is 7.5 inches in Worcester in 1979, the Associated Press reports.
The most snow will likely hit the Massachusetts Berkshires, the Litchfield Hills in northwestern Connecticut, and south western New Hampshire, he said.
Connecticut Gov Dannel P. Malloy warned residents that they could lose power.
The storm could bring more than six inches of snow to parts of Maine beginning Saturday night.
In Pennsylvania, six to 10 inches could fall at higher elevations, including the Laurel Highlands in the south western part of the state and the Pocono Mountains in the north eastern part.
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh could see a coating.
Not meant to be: Halloween decorations stand covered in snow in a front lawn in Denver, Colorado. A foot of snow fell this week, just two days after the city was 80 degrees
Initial blast: First snowfall in the tri-state area was in Vernon, Connecticut, on Thursday night
John LaCorte, a National Weather Service meteorologist in State College, Pennsylvania, said: 'This is very, very unusual. It has all the look and feel of a classic midwinter nor'easter. It's going to be very dangerous.'
The last major widespread snowstorm in Pennsylvania this early was in 1972, Mr LaCorte said.
In New England, the first measurable snow usually falls in early December, and normal highs for late October are in the mid-50s.
'This is just wrong,' said Dee Lund of East Hampton, who was at a Glastonbury garage getting four new tires put on her car before a weekend road trip to New Hampshire.
Temperature plunge: The Saturday daytime figures show a biting 42-47 degrees as the storm clouds gather. Forecasters are predicting a 5pm start for the snow in much of the north east
Heading north: The temperatures ease up slightly Sunday daytime as the snow makes its way to northern New England
Drying out: Trick or treaters can look forward to a dry day for most of the country, with some showers in the north
Miss Lund said that after last winter's record snowfall, which left a 12-foot snow bank outside her house, she'd been hoping for a reprieve.
The good news, Mr Simpson said, is that relatively warm water temperatures along the Atlantic seaboard would keep the snowfall totals much lower along the coast and in cities such as Boston.
Temperatures should return to the mid-50s by midweek.
'This doesn't mean our winter is going to be terrible,' he said.
'We're Not Leaving': A snow-dusted protest sign sits under a tree at the Occupy Denver camp on Wednesday. Several protesters were taken to the hospital for hypothermia
'You can't get any correlation from a two-day event.'
Not everyone is lamenting the arrival of winter. Dan Patrylak, 79, of Glastonbury, had just moved back to New England from Arizona and was picking up two new ice scrapers for his car.
He said he was looking forward to seeing snow on the ground again.
'In Phoenix, it's 113 all summer long,' he said. 'So, it just depends on where you are and what the weather is and you learn to accept that. Whatever it is, I'm going to be ready for it.'
source: dailymail
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
How NOT to get into a car: TOWIE's Lauren Goodger needs lessons on maintaining her dignity while heading home
How not to get into a car: Lauren Goodger failed to maintain her dignity as she got into the waiting taxi after her night out in London
She's out virtually every night, so Lauren Goodger should have mastered the art of getting into a taxi gracefully.
But the 24-year-old reality TV star proved last night that she still hasn't fully got the hang of maintaining her dignity while heading home as she flashed a bit too much.
Lauren, who had enjoyed herself at London's Aura nightclub, tried to angle herself as she got into the vehicle, but still ended up accidentally displaying her underwear.
Whoops! Lauren accidentally flashed her underwear as she got into the taxi
The Only Way Is Essex's star's outfit for the evening didn't really help matters either.
Lauren had donned an unflattering pink and black dress, with a sheer stomach panel, for her night out, but the outfit did little to highlight her feminine figure.
Instead, it looked too tight and too short for Lauren, who teamed the dress with a pair of black peep-toe heels.
Not the best look: Lauren's black and pink dress failed to flatter her curves
The shorter and tighter, the better: Lauren's dress featured a sheer stomach panel
After her night out, Lauren tweeted her fans: 'Wow that was a night n half..I got b up for filmin.
'Homely cab driver talkin about the east end on way home n Big Eddie wana hav that familyX'
Lauren has been kept busy in recent weeks filming the latest series of The Only Way Is Essex.
Heading home: Lauren was led to the car by a male friend after spending the night at Aura nightclub
She has been involved in something of a love triangle between her, former fiancé Mark Wright and his new love interest Sam Faiers - a situation which was made more complicated when Lauren admitted she had slept with Mark recently.
But Mark said in an interview with new! magazine yesterday that he hadn't initiated anything, it was all Lauren.
He said: 'One minute she is telling me how much she hates me, then the next minute she wants to come around to mine. It wasn't me – she kept texting me saying she was coming over.
New 'do: Earlier in the day, Lauren was seen leaving a hair salon after having her hair lightened
'I didn't want to see her, but sometimes, when you love someone… I told her it wasn't right.
'But she ended up coming round, she was a bit drunk and she was being noisy outside, so I let her in. We didn't spend the night together – she left at about 5am.'
source: dailymail
Posted By Ymmhb Blog
How not to get into a car: Lauren Goodger failed to maintain her dignity as she got into the waiting taxi after her night out in London
She's out virtually every night, so Lauren Goodger should have mastered the art of getting into a taxi gracefully.
But the 24-year-old reality TV star proved last night that she still hasn't fully got the hang of maintaining her dignity while heading home as she flashed a bit too much.
Lauren, who had enjoyed herself at London's Aura nightclub, tried to angle herself as she got into the vehicle, but still ended up accidentally displaying her underwear.
Whoops! Lauren accidentally flashed her underwear as she got into the taxi
The Only Way Is Essex's star's outfit for the evening didn't really help matters either.
Lauren had donned an unflattering pink and black dress, with a sheer stomach panel, for her night out, but the outfit did little to highlight her feminine figure.
Instead, it looked too tight and too short for Lauren, who teamed the dress with a pair of black peep-toe heels.
Not the best look: Lauren's black and pink dress failed to flatter her curves
The shorter and tighter, the better: Lauren's dress featured a sheer stomach panel
After her night out, Lauren tweeted her fans: 'Wow that was a night n half..I got b up for filmin.
'Homely cab driver talkin about the east end on way home n Big Eddie wana hav that familyX'
Lauren has been kept busy in recent weeks filming the latest series of The Only Way Is Essex.
Heading home: Lauren was led to the car by a male friend after spending the night at Aura nightclub
She has been involved in something of a love triangle between her, former fiancé Mark Wright and his new love interest Sam Faiers - a situation which was made more complicated when Lauren admitted she had slept with Mark recently.
But Mark said in an interview with new! magazine yesterday that he hadn't initiated anything, it was all Lauren.
He said: 'One minute she is telling me how much she hates me, then the next minute she wants to come around to mine. It wasn't me – she kept texting me saying she was coming over.
New 'do: Earlier in the day, Lauren was seen leaving a hair salon after having her hair lightened
'I didn't want to see her, but sometimes, when you love someone… I told her it wasn't right.
'But she ended up coming round, she was a bit drunk and she was being noisy outside, so I let her in. We didn't spend the night together – she left at about 5am.'
source: dailymail
Posted By Ymmhb Blog
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